The team behind Hos­pit­al­ity Week­end In The Woods are incred­ibly proud to announce the debut festival’s stage hosts for September.

Always prid­ing itself in work­ing with the world’s lead­ing labels, col­lect­ives and parties, the friends and fam­ily join­ing this brand-new party in late sum­mer all have one thing in com­mon: lay­ing down some of the finest fest­iv­al drum and bass action around each and every time.

The two-day week­end across Sat­urday 18th and Sunday 19th Septem­ber in Beck­en­ham Place Park will fea­ture some of the finest names around. Let It Roll, Roy­al Rumble, Crit­ic­al, Cal­ibre Presents, Playaz, Rup­ture and Soul­vent will be com­ing togeth­er to help rep­res­ent the kal­eido­scop­ic sound and cul­ture of drum and bass, part of Hospitality’s 25th anniversary cel­eb­ra­tions through­out 2021. All styles and sub-genres of drum and bass will be covered.

Des­pite the dif­fi­culties and chal­lenges of the last 10 months across the UK and the wider world, Hos­pit­al­ity is still very much look­ing for­ward to the sum­mer and its adven­ture in the woods when every­one can hope­fully come togeth­er as one. After years of sold out shows at London’s most icon­ic ven­ues, such as Fab­ric, 02 Academy Brix­ton and Stu­dio 338, and four years of their flag­ship fest­iv­al Hos­pit­al­ity In The Park, that saw over 12,000 people for each epic edi­tion com­ing togeth­er from all over the world, Hos­pit­al­ity Week­end In The Woods is a brand-new addi­tion to what is already set to be a moment­ous 2021 for the team.

Hos­pit­al­ity is the glob­al events arm of the world’s lead­ing drum and bass label, Hos­pit­al Records. Run­ning for over 18 years across fest­ivals, clubs and raves, from idyll­ic beach-side parties to huge jaw-drop­ping shows, it brings some of the greatest ravers togeth­er in unique events with unri­valled atmo­spheres wherever they go.

Hos­pit­al Records is a pion­eer­ing inde­pend­ent record label from south Lon­don, and the lead­ing drum & bass imprint around the world. The label was born in 1996 and rep­res­ents some of the biggest artists in the scene includ­ing Lon­don Elektri­city, Net­sky, Flava D, Camo & Krooked, Degs, Met­rik, and Nu:Tone, as well as nur­tur­ing some of the most excit­ing upcom­ing artists in drum and bass.

Hos­pit­al­ity Week­end In The Woods

Sat­urday 18th and Sunday 19th Septem­ber 2021

Week­end stage hosts: Let It Roll, Roy­al Rumble, Crit­ic­al, Cal­ibre Presents, Playaz, Rup­ture and Soulvent

Beck­en­ham Place Park, Beck­en­ham Hill Rd, Beck­en­ham, BR3 5BS

Tick­ets on sale now: https://HospitalityWITW.lnk.to/Tickets2021PR




Insta: @hospitalitydnb / Twit­ter: @hospitalitydnb



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Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.