“This song had to be made to become pro­act­ive in shap­ing our col­lect­ive future, because the rebel­lion that happened on Janu­ary 6, 2021, in Wash­ing­ton D.C. was the cur­tain being pulled back on race, lies, and dark­ness in Amer­ica,” Speech explains. “It’s obvi­ous that about half of Amer­ica is liv­ing in a fic­ti­tious bubble and are respond­ing accord­ingly. That’s why I wanted to share facts about the law­less­ness and hypo­crisy that was occur­ring. We may be at the start of anoth­er Civil war and a lot of blood­shed.” ‑SPEECH

Atlanta, GA…Like mil­lions of oth­er Amer­ic­ans, Grammy Award-win­ning artist Speech of the legendary Afro-cent­ric Hip Hop group Arres­ted Devel­op­ment watched in hor­ror as a swath of die-hard Trump loy­al­ists stormed the U.S. Cap­it­ol build­ing in Wash­ing­ton D.C. As the ded­ic­ated MC he is, Speech put the pen to paper and spit out the single “A Dif­fer­ent World,” an anthem­ic call-to-action that both pre­serve his artist­ic integ­rity and pas­sion for socio-polit­ic­al issues.

“On the night of the ter­ror­ist attack that already killed five people, I did a You­Tube post, I pos­ted vari­ous things on social media, but none of it seemed adequate, espe­cially from a music doc­u­ment­a­tion per­spect­ive,” he said of the song’s evol­u­tion. “So, I went into the stu­dio, pulled out my Beat Thang, sampler, etc. The jazz/boom bap energy for this song was inten­tion­al, meant to be a throw­back energy from the ‘90s-type approach. In my opin­ion, those sens­ib­il­it­ies lend them­selves to reflec­tion, grooves, and hope, while still show­ing the urgency of this moment. I also pur­posely rhymed with a high­er pitch, cuz I wanted my emo­tions of help­less­ness, rage but also engage­ment to come through.” ‑SPEECH

“A Dif­fer­ent World” fol­lows Expan­sion Pt. 1, Speech’s first solo EP in 14 years, and will appear on his upcom­ing full-length album Expan­sion. As he flirts with­in the song’s break­down, “This is a time for good-hearted people of all races that love Hip Hop to show the world a path to peace and truth! Plot, Plan, Strategize, Organ­ize and Mobil­ize. Please spread the vibes. We aren’t help­less, we can make a dif­fer­ent world.”

Watch the teas­er video and get “A Dif­fer­ent World” below on pre­ferred platforms.

“A Dif­fer­ent World” on pre­ferred platforms‑different-world

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!