Find­ing the best head­phones for your hip hop pro­duc­tion can be pretty chal­len­ging. This is the reas­on why you need to pay atten­tion to some things before mak­ing the purchase.

The first thing about hip hop beats is that they use some low sub fre­quen­cies which are nor­mally not picked by stand­ard head­phones. At the same time, hav­ing good bal­ance across all the fre­quen­cies is pretty import­ant. Some of the head­phones add enhance­ments to the audio and influ­ence the sound a lot and the prob­lem here is that you won’t be able to listen exactly to what’s being recor­ded. The fol­low­ing art­icle will present the best head­phones for hip hop pro­duc­tion hav­ing the key ele­ments we have mentioned.

So, what are the best head­phones for mix­ing hip hop music?

The head­phones we have reviewed below are the best ones so make sure to read though the reviews carefully.

Ultra­sone Pro 900

It would be strange if we didn’t include these head­phones in this list because they are often referred to as the king of EDM. When we first got the chance to try them, we couldn’t wait to see how they work with hip hop music. We have to say that we were more than sat­is­fied with what we have heard. Strong bass and excel­lent bal­ance at high fre­quen­cies. As we have men­tioned before, bass is pretty import­ant in hip hop music and the bass here was just as it should be.

Since we have used these a lot dur­ing the test­ing peri­od, we found them to be pretty com­fort­able even after a few hours. They sit per­fectly on the head but that may be just a per­son­al pref­er­ence. The best would be if you try them personally.

If your budget allows it and you don’t mind pay­ing a bit more, we highly recom­mend get­ting these head­phones. If you com­pare them with oth­er head­phones for hip hop pro­duc­tion, like the ATH-M50x, we have to say that the sound qual­ity is a bit better.

The sound is crisp and clear and full of details thanks to the S‑Logic Nat­ur­al Sur­round Sys­tem. We can’t say for sure wheth­er the sound is great because of this but we can def­in­itely say that the sound is much bet­ter than in oth­er head­phones in this price range.

The Ultra­sone Pro 900 head­phones are excel­lent both for home stu­di­os and pro­fes­sion­al stu­di­os as well, so if you have some extra money to invest these should be your choice. You simply can’t go wrong with them.

Audio Tech­nica ATH-M50x

The Audio Tech­nica ATH-M50x are one of the most fre­quently used head­phones amongst pro­du­cers and musi­cians all over the world. The reas­on for this is not only their price but the sound qual­ity as well. If you are a begin­ner and you have just dived into the waters of hip hop pro­duc­tion these head­phones are a per­fect choice.

The fre­quency response in these head­phones is excel­lent and we have to admit they are per­fect for music pro­duc­tion and listen­ing to music as well. The bass is pretty good and most import­antly it is not too power­ful and the mid and high ends are clear.

If you are one of the people who are just start­ing with music pro­duc­tion and you don’t want to go over your budget you will be really impressed with these head­phones. If you are inter­ested in the ATH-M50x head­phones and would like to read some more details please vis­it Audi­oRepu­ta­tion where you can also find addi­tion­al recom­mend­a­tions if you are on a lower budget.

Grado GS1000e

The Grado GS1000e is for those who take hip hop pro­duc­tion pretty ser­i­ously. Although they are expens­ive, we have to say that everything else is per­fect about these head­phones. The best thing here is that they will deliv­er excel­lent sound even if you listen to your music at low volumes. Thanks to this they can pre­vent pos­sible hear­ing dam­age because you won’t have to listen to max­im­um volumes when you want to hear the audio clarity.

In terms of design, these head­phones are pretty cool, if not the coolest we have seen lately on the mar­ket. They are just per­fect for hip hop pro­duc­tion and if you are look­ing for pro­fes­sion­al grade stu­dio head­phones, they are an ideal choice. The fre­quency response and com­fort­ab­il­ity make them so good.

We highly recom­mend the Grado GS1000e head­phones if you want to have premi­um qual­ity head­phones that will greatly improve your listen­ing exper­i­ence and music pro­duc­tion as well.


The head­phones presen­ted in this art­icle are all excel­lent and will do their job per­fectly well. Of course, in most cases the budget determ­ines which one you will get and for that reas­on we have giv­en you a choice that will def­in­itely fit into any budget. The best thing you can do when buy­ing head­phones is to test them on your own if pos­sible. In most cases besides the budget, your per­son­al pref­er­ence and feel­ing is an import­ant decision-mak­ing factor. We hope we have made your choice a bit easi­er or at least poin­ted you to the right dir­ec­tion. Best regards!


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.