NY lyr­ic­al thor­ough­bred Jus P and pro­du­cer Body Bag Ben col­lab­or­at­ive for ‘For­tune Favors The Bold’ EP. The 6‑track pro­ject is out now on all plat­forms, and hits heavy with tight lyr­i­cism, boldly spewed over cap­tiv­at­ing NY back­drops. In the inter­view below Jus P talks more about the album, his invit­a­tion to his wins and losses no holds barred, upcom­ing EP visu­als, and more.

MJ: You just released a new pro­ject titled ‘For­tune Favors The Bold’ which fol­lows the heels of ‘Black Can­vas.’ The cov­er art alone speaks volumes about the pro­ject. Talk a little bit about the thought and mind­set that went into ‘For­tune Favors The Bold.’

Jus P: For­tune Favors The Bold was con­cep­tu­al­ized and inspired by the film The Spook Who Sat By The Door. The film is about a black man who takes his C.I.A. train­ing back to Chica­go and teaches the street gangs how to organ­ize and fight back against oppres­sion. The skits are well thought out clips from the movie. The cov­er art is a pic­ture of a group of Black Pan­thers. Our mind­set on this pro­ject is 2 free­dom fight­ers risk­ing it big for the good of the people.


MJ: The 6‑track pro­ject comes equipped with heavy­weight fea­tures includ­ing Ruste Juxx, Solomon Childs, and Eff Yoo. Did you know going into the pro­ject they were the ‘it factor’ for those par­tic­u­lar tracks?

Jus P: Each fea­ture is organ­ic, and every artist is someone I genu­inely deal with. I met Ruste on tour in El Paso Texas. Solomon is someone I’ve been work­ing with my whole career on almost every pro­ject. Eff Yoo is fam­ily. So, it’s only right to get them on this project.

MJ: You are famed for deliv­er­ing authen­t­ic NY Hip Hop with mes­sages inten­ded to open ears and eyes, and this pro­ject is no excep­tion. Without giv­ing too much away, shed some light on the tracks “Pen­it­en­tiary Chances” and “Blood­seed.”

Jus P: Pen­it­en­tiary Chances is me reflect­ing on my past exper­i­ences incar­cer­ated in a cau­tion­ary way. Blood seed is about expos­ing the false­hoods of these rapper’s people look up to.

MJ: What impact on fans, com­munit­ies, and Hip Hop do you fore­see the pro­ject having?

Jus P: The impact I fore­see this pro­ject hav­ing is first adding to my leg­acy through cata­logue. Also let­ting people learn from exper­i­ences wins and losses.

MJ: Are there any accom­pa­ny­ing videos to ‘For­tune Favors The Bold” that audi­ences can check out?

Jus P: Videos are def­in­itely on the way. First up is Snake bite with Ruste Juxx com­ing ASAP.

MJ: Take this time to share any­thing else you’d like about the project.

Jus P: Shout out to the broth­er Body Bag Ben for being a mas­ter pro­du­cer on the boards. This pro­ject us unlike any oth­er pro­ject either of us has done. A lot of les­sons as well as enter­tain­ment on this pro­ject. Be sure to check it…

Jus P & Body Bag Ben ‘For­tune Favors the Bold’ avail­able on Clocked In Records.

Apple Music:

Con­nect with Jus P and Body Bag Ben



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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!