NY lyr­ic­al thor­ough­bred Jus P and pro­du­cer Body Bag Ben col­lab­or­at­ive for ‘For­tune Favors The Bold’ EP. The 6‑track pro­ject is out now on all plat­forms, and hits heavy with tight lyr­i­cism, boldly spewed over cap­tiv­at­ing NY back­drops. In the inter­view below Jus P talks more about the album, his invit­a­tion to his wins and losses no holds barred, upcom­ing EP visu­als, and more.

MJ: You just released a new pro­ject titled ‘For­tune Favors The Bold’ which fol­lows the heels of ‘Black Can­vas.’ The cov­er art alone speaks volumes about the pro­ject. Talk a little bit about the thought and mind­set that went into ‘For­tune Favors The Bold.’

Jus P: For­tune Favors The Bold was con­cep­tu­al­ized and inspired by the film The Spook Who Sat By The Door. The film is about a black man who takes his C.I.A. train­ing back to Chica­go and teaches the street gangs how to organ­ize and fight back against oppres­sion. The skits are well thought out clips from the movie. The cov­er art is a pic­ture of a group of Black Pan­thers. Our mind­set on this pro­ject is 2 free­dom fight­ers risk­ing it big for the good of the people.


MJ: The 6‑track pro­ject comes equipped with heavy­weight fea­tures includ­ing Ruste Juxx, Solomon Childs, and Eff Yoo. Did you know going into the pro­ject they were the ‘it factor’ for those par­tic­u­lar tracks?

Jus P: Each fea­ture is organ­ic, and every artist is someone I genu­inely deal with. I met Ruste on tour in El Paso Texas. Solomon is someone I’ve been work­ing with my whole career on almost every pro­ject. Eff Yoo is fam­ily. So, it’s only right to get them on this pro­ject.

MJ: You are famed for deliv­er­ing authen­t­ic NY Hip Hop with mes­sages inten­ded to open ears and eyes, and this pro­ject is no excep­tion. Without giv­ing too much away, shed some light on the tracks “Pen­it­en­tiary Chances” and “Blood­seed.”

Jus P: Pen­it­en­tiary Chances is me reflect­ing on my past exper­i­ences incar­cer­ated in a cau­tion­ary way. Blood seed is about expos­ing the false­hoods of these rapper’s people look up to.

MJ: What impact on fans, com­munit­ies, and Hip Hop do you fore­see the pro­ject hav­ing?

Jus P: The impact I fore­see this pro­ject hav­ing is first adding to my leg­acy through cata­logue. Also let­ting people learn from exper­i­ences wins and losses.

MJ: Are there any accom­pa­ny­ing videos to ‘For­tune Favors The Bold” that audi­ences can check out?

Jus P: Videos are def­in­itely on the way. First up is Snake bite with Ruste Juxx com­ing ASAP.

MJ: Take this time to share any­thing else you’d like about the pro­ject.

Jus P: Shout out to the broth­er Body Bag Ben for being a mas­ter pro­du­cer on the boards. This pro­ject us unlike any oth­er pro­ject either of us has done. A lot of les­sons as well as enter­tain­ment on this pro­ject. Be sure to check it…

Jus P & Body Bag Ben ‘For­tune Favors the Bold’ avail­able on Clocked In Records.

Apple Music:

Con­nect with Jus P and Body Bag Ben



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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!