Dion D’Lucia is a tal­en­ted, inde­pend­ent sing­er-song­writer and pro­du­cer from North Lon­don. Grow­ing up listen­ing to an eclect­ic mix of music genres such as reg­gae, RnB, Hip Hop and many more, Dion has refined his own sound when cre­at­ing his music whilst work­ing along­side a vital mem­ber of the team — pro­du­cer Luke Thompson.

 Hav­ing already released a num­ber of music videos on GRM Daily’s music plat­form, Dion has taken things to the next level with his latest pro­ject ‘The Dev­il’ released via LinkUpTV.

 Yes, this styl­ish music video incor­por­ates fast cars and lux­ury attrac­tions. How­ever, it’s essen­tially the story line with a twist that grabs the view­ers’ atten­tion. ‘The Dev­il’ touches on mod­ern-day situ­ations, where karma is real and life is really out there to teach you a les­son. It’s not always about chas­ing the dev­il (mater­i­al­ist­ic items and the beau­ti­ful women), because the grass isn’t always green­er on the oth­er side.

 Per­formed and writ­ten by Dion D’Lucia, pro­duced by Luke Thompson, shot and dir­ec­ted by Kam­cord­ings and video pro­duc­tion by Ellie Lugli; ‘The Dev­il’ is already turn­ing heads/making its mark.

Catch the video in Full here:

All social medi­as: @DionDLucia

 Down­load the track here :

By Elena Lugli


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