Phil­adelphia pro­du­cer Carl Madis­on pays trib­ute to West Philly’s own Hip-Hop legend Will Smith. “I’m da Pro­du­cer, He’s da Rap­per” fuses Will’s clas­sic flow and Madis­on’s raw and gritty approach, thus giv­ing us a new inter­pret­a­tion of the Fresh Prince that the fans will appre­ci­ate and love.

What bet­ter way to say Happy “50th” Birth­day to the Fresh Prince, than by drop­ping a tribute/remix pro­ject on Will Smith’s birth­day by Philly’s own Carl Madis­on.


Carl Madis­on’s “I’m Da Pro­du­cer, He’s Da Rapper” 

The nine track pro­ject with scratches by DJ Side­walk, elev­ates the essence of tra­di­tion­al Hip-Hop. Madis­on clev­erly fuses soul, funk, and sounds of keys and bass to cel­eb­rate a clas­sic album and an icon­ic artist.  The rendi­tion of “Par­ents Just Don’t Under­stand, “Sum­mer­time” and “Get­tin’ Funky Wit It” will have listen­ers remin­is­cent of house parties and boom-boxes vibrat­ing on the b‑ball courts.  While “Switch” will awaken the soul and lead listen­ers to the club banging out house music. Madis­on also inserts comed­ic skits from a few of Smith’s most pop­u­lar films as well as inter­ludes from Smith ser­mon­iz­ing about work eth­ic and excel­ling the craft of artistry.

Watch the full inter­view on what inspired the pro­ject below and stream the pro­ject here

About Carl Madison


Carl Madis­on is a music pro­du­cer, artist, and song­writer hail­ing from the city of Phil­adelphia. Carl Madis­on rep­res­ents an artist­ic revolu­tion through music, art, edu­ca­tion, and hip-hop culture.

For all inquir­ies con­tact Stone Per­spect­ive Media  

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!