M.O.U.F, MC hail­ing from Long Island, announces the release of his highly anti­cip­ated album “Move Over U Fin­ished.” The 12 track LP is avail­able on all digit­al plat­forms for stream­ing and pur­chase with fea­tures from Voice, Kronik, FANTAB, A DFRNT, and Mxnxpxly Family.

The lyr­ic­al VIP deliv­ers an album embod­ied with diversity sure to add to his already grow­ing fan base.  He offers com­edy, tempta­tion, grit­ti­ness, and head bop­ping tracks. “I Been” is a club banger describ­ing his level com­pared to industry play­ers. While “Everything” is a record about a thug sedu­cing a woman pos­sibly out of his league.

M.O.U.F’s col­lab­or­a­tion “Time” with his Hip-Hop group mem­bers Mxnxpxly Fam­ily, is a jew­el drop­per about reclaim­ing one’s stance per­son­ally and pro­fes­sion­ally. The street track “Pay Atten­tion” is a rule­book in storytelling fash­ion on how to spot fraud­u­lent people, and a remind­er that people close to you are not who they say they are.

M.O.U.F comes with his A‑game show­ing off his ver­sat­il­ity and agil­ity, as well as his pro­gres­sion as an artist. He clev­erly executes can­did, rel­at­ive lyr­ics through­out the entire album regard­less of the dif­fer­ent flows and sounds. The arrange­ment of beats includ­ing futur­ist­ic and elec­tric sounds fused with mod­ern urb­an sounds is sure to sat­is­fy Hip-Hop pur­ists worldwide.

Stream “Move Over U Fin­ished” here, or pur­chase here

Watch “I Been” below

M.O.U.F “Who Shot Ya” Freestyle

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!