Long Island, NY emcee and pro­du­cer B.Dvine releases highly anti­cip­ated EP titled ‘Times Have Changed.’ The 6‑track EP fea­tures Hip-Hop pion­eer and legend Erick Ser­mon, UK’s own Cuban Pete, D‑Rage, and Xavia.

Dvine dis­plays a mastered skill­set in both pro­duc­tion and rhymes to deliv­er an eclect­ic pro­ject that includes clas­sic Hip-Hop vibes, a club ante, raw word­play, and even some­thing for the ladies.  “Self­less Pride” sets the EP off and Dvine’s moves in this new age and new dawn. Not new to the game, he knows the climb and pre­pared to trek new heights. Over knock­ing bass weaved into pen­et­rat­ing pulsa­tions for a mod­ern twist, Dvine reminds the world that he’s developed from neg­at­iv­ity and now sees the big­ger pic­ture clearly. The empower­ing track sets a tone for the remain­ing tracks.

“Hush”, a worldly col­lab­or­a­tion, dic­tates for less talk and more action. Simply put Dvine, Ser­mon, Pete, and D‑Rage are win­ning bosses with receipts. The aggress­ive dom­in­a­tion flows over a riv­et­ing kal­eido­scope of cadences inten­ded to shock the core.  “Don’t Mean Nut­tin” piggy­backs off “Hush.” Dvine puts rap­pers, the game, and out­siders on blast; while they aim to impress with fal­la­cies, Dvine breaks everything down thread by thread.

“Come Alive” is the feel-good track of the EP. With alarm­ing and cos­mic sound­scapes, this infec­tious anthem is ideal for a sleep­less night out, bust­ing moves on the dance floor, or bump­ing through the city. In “Chocol­ate Syr­up”, Dvine shows off his lust­ful side with slick, yet sen­su­al pil­low talk. This is not your aver­age Net­flix and chill scen­ario, instead, Dvine com­mands his word­play right into climax.

Dvine lays out a vivid timeline for listen­ers in “Mr. Dreams.” He takes us back to the vul­ner­able age of 15 when music and Hip-Hop were a pas­sion then tran­scends to the moment his dreams greet real­ity. It began from dig­ging in the crates, rhym­ing, cre­at­ing beats with his own niche and twist, to rub­bing elbows with industry execs and legends.  Dvine’s lyr­ic­al calis­then­ics drives a knife into doubters and even teach­ers who labeled him as hopeless.

Over­all, ‘Times Have Changed’ embod­ies the growth of Dvine’s artistry and abil­ity to cur­ate time­less music dur­ing a peri­od where Hip-Hop is ever-chan­ging and stead­ily evolving. Stream ‘Times Have Changed’ and con­nect with B. Dvine below.

@bdvine631 on Twit­ter | Ins­tagram | Web

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!