Inter­na­tion­ally vet­ted pro­du­cer Con­figa, whose cata­log of music suc­cess­fully extends into the U.S, releases an 11-track pro­ject titled ‘The Con­figHas Crates’ avail­able on Band­camp. The album, with HaStyle on the mic also fea­tures Hip Hop legends and heavy­weights includ­ing Sad­at X, Rah Digga, Nine, Wordsworth, El Da Sen­sei, Prince Po, and Chino XL.

Con­figa is no ama­teur when it comes to top-scale pro­duc­tion and he’s backed by the likes of such music icons as SPEECH from Arres­ted Devel­op­ment. ‘The Con­figHas Crates’ is no excep­tion to his mastered skill set and can be noted as yet anoth­er time­less clas­sic under his belt.

“This is a must-have for all fans of true-school, rugged, boom-bap, and lyr­ic­al style Hip Hop”, Con­figa unequi­voc­ally sums up the album. How­ever, as a mod­est pro­fes­sion­al he leaves out his super­i­or flex and flaw­less abil­ity to mix clas­sic Hip Hop cadences with diver­si­fied instru­ment­al tones. The res­ult, immense refills on an epic­ally pro­por­tioned dose of earmilk.

Con­figa Presents The Con­figHas Crates by Configa

Get your copy of ‘TheCon­figHas Crates’ on band­camp and con­nect with Con­figa on Ins­tagram and Twit­ter @configa.

(all tracks pro­duced by Con­figa, primary vocals by HaStyle, mixed by E Bla­ize, and remastered by Configa)

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!