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Hail­ing from Bronx, Reborn Tha Rebizzle drops his brand new album ‘The Prin­ciples Of Life’. The Chris­ti­an rap­per & DJ, uses his faith and reli­gion to inspire through Hip-Hop.

We speak to him about his jour­ney through music, the pro­cess and inspiration.

How did your jour­ney as a rap­per begin, were there any key influ­ences in your life that helped

 It all star­ted in the Sum­mer of 2000 at Mount Lawn Camp which is a Chris­ti­an camp. I was work­ing there as a Kit­chen worker/Counselor and one of my co-work­ers there name Albert Daniel aka Al B Back tried to get me into listen­ing to Chris­ti­an Rap. At first I was very reluct­ant to listen to it because the church that I was part of the fel­low­ship, called The Bible Church of Christ, were very much against Rap music espe­cially Chris­ti­an Hip Hop because they said it was too worldly, so of course that’s where I was being dis­cip­lined at. That is until I decided to give it a listen and the first Chris­ti­an MC I Listened to was The Ambas­sad­or from Cross Move­ment who had his first solo album called Chris­to­logy. In Layman’s Terms I was blown away by it and did not see any­thing wrong with it at all. Then I star­ted hear­ing oth­er Chris­ti­an MC’S and next thing you know I star­ted writ­ing Chris­ti­an Raps and nev­er stopped. I had lyr­ics but I didn’t really have a flow nor deliv­ery. So I went back to listen­ing to Wu Tang, Nas, Mobb Deep, Red Man and all those oth­er great New York MC’S so I could learn how to deliv­er flows and be cre­at­ive with my lyrics.

What was it like grow­ing up in the Home of Hip-Hop, the Bronx?

 It was def­in­itely a rough come up from being born in The South Bronx back in 1977. The Crack Cocaine era really flooded the streets of New York City back then and fam­il­ies were being broken up because of it. I’ve seen the evol­u­tion and trans­ition­ing of the culture.

Reli­gion plays a big role in your life. How do you use Hip-Hop to share your val­ues and faith?

I grew up on Hip-Hop all my life so I used to mess around and free­style with my peeps in the pro­jects and at school. We used always spit oth­er rap­pers’ songs espe­cially Eric B and Rakim’s Micro­phone Phene, A Tribe Called Quest, EPMD, Boo­gie Down Pro­duc­tions etc. That was all back in the early days before I came to faith in Jesus Christ in the Fall of 1999. When I came to faith in Jesus Christ I had put away every form of sec­u­lar music for awhile and began to study God’s Word and listened to noth­ing but Chris­ti­an Praise and Wor­ship music. It was a way of detox­ing from the world and focus­ing just on my rela­tion­ship with God. A year later, in the Sum­mer of 2000, I got exposed to Holy Hip Hop and begun writ­ing Chris­ti­an Raps by com­bin­ing the Gos­pel and the Scrip­tures with hip hop and nev­er stopped. I star­ted my first record­ing around 2004 with my Broth­er JAZ, aka Jus­ti­fied And Zeal­ous, who was once apart of his crew called ADF (All Dif­fer­ent Fla­vors) which was an incred­ible Chris­ti­an Hip Hop group. They reminded me of Kil­larmy which is a Wu Tang affil­i­ate crew. ADF was very lyrical.

Tell us about your new album ‘Prin­ciples Of Life’? What was the pro­cess behind put­ting it all together?

 It has def­in­itely been a 23-year jour­ney of me devel­op­ing as a MC, min­is­ter and per­son­al char­ac­ter through life’s tri­als and tribu­la­tions. I went through a lot of pain­ful exper­i­ences in my life­time and I always kept writ­ing no mat­ter what. I recor­ded mix­tape songs on oth­er MC’S beats and get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter as I kept writ­ing. Until 2007 when I got my first offi­cial and ori­gin­al tracks from these 2 Broth­ers names James Vin­son the 3rd and Des­mond Vin­son. They’re the two sons of my former Pas­tor James Vin­son at Christ Fam­ily Com­munity Church in The Bronx. I would write a lot of songs over the years up until 2017 and I was almost ready to give it up because I did­n’t see myself going any­where with the music. I wasn’t record­ing in any stu­dio until 2018 when I learned about digit­al dis­tri­bu­tion and signed up with Ditto Music Dis­tri­bu­tion to release my first EP ‘Prin­ciples of Life’. I also learned about Nat­ive Instru­ments and Ableton. I star­ted build­ing my own home stu­dio and buy­ing equip­ment and soft­ware so I could learn how to com­pose and pro­duce my own music and record my own vocals. In 2019 I went to work on my album which was a rig­or­ous 3‑year process.

The album has 25 tracks on it! Are there any per­son­al favourites? 

Not to brag, but I would say all of them because it all came straight forth from the heart and from dif­fer­ent sea­sons of my life. I have a few story telling songs where I get to express myself with deep thoughts and mak­ing sure that the deliv­ery of my mes­sage was up there as well. Songs like ‘My Broth­ers Keep­er’, ‘Where Have You Been’, ‘My Life Story’, ‘Lyr­ic­al Apostle’, ‘My Child­hood Exper­i­ence’. Those are story stor­ies that I’m telling with mor­als to it as well. Oth­er songs that are war­fare type songs as well.

You are also a DJ, how did the help when it came to decid­ing on the sound of your album and production?

I love DJ Hip-Hop and House Music and EDM as well. I also make House and EDM as well. I’ve been inspired by great DJ’s such as Juni­or Vasquez, Jonath­an Peters, Danny Tenaglia, Razor and Guido, Todd Terry, Frankie Knuckles, Lil Louie Vega, Dav­id Mor­ales ect. Hip Hop DJ’S such as Red Alert, Kid Capri, Eric B, Funk Mas­ter Flex, DJ Offi­cial from The Cross Move­ment and many more.

What do you want listen­ers to take away from your album?

A rela­tion­ship with Jesus Christ. The clos­ing of the album leads my listen­ers to say the sinner’s pray­er and com­mit their lives to God. The songs and lyr­ics will give them a fresh per­spect­ive on life.

Tell us about your pro­duc­tion com­pany Re Beatz Productonz?

It’s up and run­ning, I’m cre­at­ing a web­site for it so people can pur­chase tracks from me exclus­ively free of samples. I don’t use samples at all because I don’t want my buy­ers strug­gling to clear samples. I enjoy com­pos­ing and com­ing up with melodies.

Where can we find out more about your music?

Here is my . The Prin­ciples Of Life Album is out now everywhere!

Sup­port Reborn Tha Rebizzle on Social Media 

Face­book | Twit­ter | Ins­tagram

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Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.