Hip Hop In Numbers ft. Grandmaster Flash (@DJFlash4eva)

“Num­bers don’t lie check the score board”.

Have you ever wondered about the stat­ist­ics of Hip-hop? Ever wanted to know which record was sampled first? Who became the first hip-hop bil­lion­aire (you should really know)?

Num­bers don’t lie and Grand­mas­ter Flash has col­lab­or­ated with You­tube chan­nel All­time Num­bers to present the video “Hip-hop In num­bers” It isn’t all just about the music, there is a large amount of his­tory and records broken with­in the genre. In this video Flash gives the stats which has effected hip-hop for the good and bad, such as the ground break­ing “Rap­per­’s Delight” by the Sug­ar Hill Gang sold 60,000 cop­ies a day in 1979 and that it was the first sampled record in history.

It’s always inter­est­ing to find out the stat­ist­ics of hip-hop and how far it has come. From Dre becom­ing the first bil­lion­aire to Lauryn Hill becom­ing the first woman nom­in­ated for 10 grammy awards and leav­ing with five. It would be good for videos such as this to become a com­mon occur­rence. Bring­ing edu­ca­tion to mod­ern media is a great step, and bet­ter yet using a hip-hop legend to give the facts to those listening.

Hip-hop has changed a lot over the years and is forever evolving, but do con­sumers still take in the cul­ture and the his­tory. For example, sampling is a key tool to a lot of pro­du­cers, how­ever, do a lot of fans know that “Rap­per­’s Delight” was the first sampled record? Grand­mas­ter Flash is a hip-hop legend and is still rel­ev­ant today, this could be a great oppor­tun­ity for sev­er­al legends in the genre to the fore­front and be big­ger ambas­sad­ors for hip-hop .

Check out the video and learn a bit more about hip-hop.

Hip Hop In Num­bers ft. Grand­mas­ter Flash:




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Digit­al Mar­ket­ing and You­Tube chan­nel man­ager who loves that good hip-hop.

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About Aaron3000

Digital Marketing and YouTube channel manager who loves that good hip-hop.

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