Exclusive Mix: GlobalFaction present ‘ART ATTACK’ Inspired by the work of Stephen Lorenzo Walkes

Check out this dope mix by our fam­ily Glob­al­Fac­tion. A mix by Dari, inspired by the art­work of Steph­en Lorenzo Walkes. Start your week in the right way with a heavy mix fea­tur­ing Si Phili ft. Frank Phil­bert, Gil Scott-Her­on, Omar, Omar ft. Jean-Michele Rot­in, Marco Polo ft. Rakim, Reg­gie B and more.

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Digit­al Media Pro­du­cer at Glob­al­Fac­tion
Glob­al­Fac­tion is an innov­at­ive digit­al media pro­duc­tion house formed in 2006. We’re a grow­ing group of cre­at­ives who focus on work­ing with socially/politically con­scious artists to pro­duce an exper­i­ence that facil­it­ates the shar­ing of know­ledge, ideas and the stim­u­la­tion of thought into action. For us, the mes­sage of the artist and the style, sound & deliv­er of each track dic­tates the look of the video. So it stands to reas­on that the artists cre­at­ive input is a key part of the process

About GlobalFaction

GlobalFaction is an innovative digital media production house formed in 2006. We're a growing group of creatives who focus on working with socially/politically conscious artists to produce an experience that facilitates the sharing of knowledge, ideas and the stimulation of thought into action. For us, the message of the artist and the style, sound & deliver of each track dictates the look of the video. So it stands to reason that the artists creative input is a key part of the process