The trans­ition to par­ent­hood is a jour­ney filled with sur­prises, where the once-famil­i­ar all-night­ers of dance floors and con­cert ven­ues are replaced by sleep­less nights of diaper changes. Your beloved band t‑shirt now serves as a burp cloth, and the art of mix­ing drinks has been releg­ated to per­fect­ing baby formula.

For many new par­ents, embra­cing this new real­ity often comes with a sense of leav­ing behind the free­dom and excite­ment of their youth. In a world flooded with gen­er­ic baby clothes and pre­dict­able toys, find­ing a gift that reflects who they once were  and who they still are can feel like a chal­lenge. That’s where these new alpha­bet books ‘Alpha-beat’ step in. Far from the ordin­ary A‑to‑Z books of anim­als or veget­ables, these edi­tions tap into icon­ic music­al genres and eras, offer­ing a play­ful, nos­tal­gic escape for music-lov­ing par­ents. They also cre­ate a bridge between gen­er­a­tions, spark­ing moments of shared joy and dis­cov­ery as par­ents intro­duce their little ones to the sounds of their youth.

The authors behind these standout books were inspired by their own search for mean­ing­ful gifts. As one of the cre­at­ors explained, “When my neph­ew was born, I struggled to find some­thing that felt per­son­al and mean­ing­ful for my broth­er. Everything baby-related seemed gen­er­ic and dis­con­nec­ted from the bond we had. Our best memor­ies were built around music — fest­ivals, gigs, and sum­mers spent in Ibiza. We wanted to chal­lenge the idea that hav­ing a baby means the fun has to stop.”

The res­ult has been a col­lec­tion of three edi­tions, each cel­eb­rat­ing a dif­fer­ent music­al genre. The books have struck a chord with par­ents, who have shared heart­warm­ing stor­ies and con­tent of their little ones enjoy­ing the books.

“The response has been incred­ible. It proves we weren’t the only ones look­ing to give the next gen­er­a­tion a prop­er edu­ca­tion in music.”

These alpha­bet books offer some­thing more than just enter­tain­ment for babies they provide par­ents with a way to remin­isce, con­nect, and share a part of their own iden­tity with their chil­dren. In a sea of beige baby gifts, these books are a col­our­ful remind­er that par­ent­hood doesn’t have to mean let­ting go of the music that defined you.

Check out the full range:

Ins­tagram — @alphabeat.books

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DJ Doni Brasco is a DJ, Broad­caster and Music Journ­al­ist. Spe­cial­ising in South Asi­an Hip-Hop, he is often found mix­ing it up with some of the biggest artists from the scene or with a pair of turntables in the streets of Chandigarh.

About DJ Doni Brasco

DJ Doni Brasco is a DJ, Broadcaster and Music Journalist. Specialising in South Asian Hip-Hop, he is often found mixing it up with some of the biggest artists from the scene or with a pair of turntables in the streets of Chandigarh.