DJ Doni Brasco sits down with Mum­bai based rap­per Shaikh­speare to dis­cuss the Hip-Hop scene in India, star­ring in Bol­ly­wood film ‘Gully Boy’ and his latest album DON LYF. Shaikh­speare is a renowned rap-artist/song-writer from Mum­bai, India. He is also the founder of the award win­ning hip-hop col­lect­ive — Bom­bay Lokal. He has been mak­ing Hip-Hop music since 2008 and so far has made Hip-Hop songs ran­ging from ground-break­ing hard­core, socio-polit­ic­al tracks to roof-tear­ing hits and club bangers. Cur­rently signed to Kamani Records, Shaikh­speare has been one of the most talked about Hip-Hop artists from Mum­bai in recent years. Stream the new album below:

Fol­low Shaikh­speare on Ins­tagram HERE

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DJ Doni Brasco is a DJ, Broad­caster and Music Journ­al­ist. Spe­cial­ising in South Asi­an Hip-Hop, he is often found mix­ing it up with some of the biggest artists from the scene or with a pair of turntables in the streets of Chandigarh.

About DJ Doni Brasco

DJ Doni Brasco is a DJ, Broadcaster and Music Journalist. Specialising in South Asian Hip-Hop, he is often found mixing it up with some of the biggest artists from the scene or with a pair of turntables in the streets of Chandigarh.