Ven­ue Details:
Loc­a­tion: Rich Mix, 35–47 Beth­nal Green Road, Lon­don E1 6LATime: 8PM ‑11PM

For tick­ets and more inform­a­tion, please vis­it­congo-natty-and-guest­s/

As we cel­eb­rate the 30th anniversary of Jungle music, it’s only fit­ting that we hon­our one of the gen­re’s true pion­eers, Congo Natty, who has been at the fore­front of the Jungle and Drum n Bass move­ment since its incep­tion in 1993. With the recent release of his icon­ic album Ancest­orz, Congo Natty has once again proven his endur­ing influ­ence on the scene. This album brings togeth­er a remark­able lineup of artists, includ­ing socially con­scious rap­per Akala, power­ful vocal­ist Eva Laz­arus, soul­ful Amrit Kaur, and gritty MC Klash­nekoff, along with lyr­ic­al mas­ter Logic. Togeth­er, they’ve helped elev­ate Jungle’s rich, rebel­li­ous, and cel­eb­rat­ory roots into a mod­ern sound­scape that speaks to new generations.

This mile­stone event will pay trib­ute to Congo Natty’s immense con­tri­bu­tions and will also show­case the next wave of artists who con­tin­ue to push the bound­ar­ies of Jungle, Drum n Bass, and hip-hop. Let’s dive into the roster of tal­ent ready to set the stage alight!

UK-Based Sup­port Acts
Amy True
An elec­tric fusion of Irish and Ugandan her­it­age, Amy True is a rap­per and sing­er who brings a unique blend of hip-hop, soul, and jazz to her per­form­ances. With a back­ground in poetry and act­iv­ism, Amy was a mem­ber of Ben­jamin Zephaniah‘s band, The Revolu­tion­ary Minds, and has even opened for the legendary Pub­lic Enemy. Her col­lab­or­a­tions with UK jazz heavy­weights like Nubia Gar­cia, Joe Armon Jones (Ezra Col­lect­ive), Shabaka Hutch­ings, and hip-hop icon Rod­ney P have fur­ther solid­i­fied her pos­i­tion as one of the most ver­sat­ile voices in the UK music scene. Amy True’s energy and lyr­ic­al prowess prom­ise to make her per­form­ance a standout at this celebration.

Amrit Kaur
Known for her deep, soul­ful voice and mas­tery of the Sarangi, UK-based Amrit Kaur draws upon her South Asi­an Pan­j­abi roots to fuse R&B, soul, and tra­di­tion­al Pan­j­abi folk in a cap­tiv­at­ing way. Her artistry tran­scends cul­tur­al bound­ar­ies, as she demon­strated in her col­lab­or­a­tion with The Mar­ley Fam­ily on the 2020 UNICEF-backed ver­sion of One Love, which garnered mil­lions of streams. Kaur has also worked closely with Congo Natty and earned praise from Rick Rubin, the legendary pro­du­cer and co-founder of Def Jam. Amrit’s genre-bend­ing sound prom­ises to bring a fresh and heart­felt per­form­ance to the event.

Behind The Mask
A truly glob­al sound is brought by Behind The Mask, a sev­en-piece brass band blend­ing hip-hop, Jungle, and South Asi­an world music influ­ences. This eclect­ic group, fea­tur­ing artists like Mumbai’s Niya Love and Shaikh­speare, along­side Nepal’s legendary rap­per 5:55, is set to release their highly anti­cip­ated album in May 2024. Their track Bom­bay to Lon­don, fea­tur­ing Shaikh­speare, was recog­nized as BBC Asi­an Network’s Track of the Week in 2020, and they’ve toured both Asia and the UK extens­ively, includ­ing a mem­or­able per­form­ance at Wil­der­ness Fest­iv­al. Behind The Mask is a power­ful force in Jungle, and their fusion of brass, beats, and cul­tur­al sounds is sure to leave the crowd buzzing.

DJ Solomon and DJ Nishanti
Rep­res­ent­ing Brixton’s under­ground scene, DJ Solomon and DJ Nishanti will be spin­ning an explos­ive mix of Jungle, Drum n Bass, and reg­gae vibes through­out the night. With their pulsat­ing rhythms and infec­tious beats, the Brix­ton Radio duo prom­ises to keep the energy high and the crowd moving.

Food by En Root
No cel­eb­ra­tion is com­plete without deli­cious food, and the event will fea­ture a selec­tion by En Root, known for its whole­some, nour­ish­ing, and vibrant culin­ary cre­ations. With a menu rooted in the eth­os of good food, good music, and good vibes, En Root will offer a per­fect com­ple­ment to the elec­tri­fy­ing performances.

A Night to Remember
This 30th anniversary cel­eb­ra­tion of Jungle music is a trib­ute not just to the past but also to the future of the genre. Congo Natty’s leg­acy and the incred­ible lineup of artists ensure an unfor­get­table night filled with raw energy, rich music­al his­tory, and ground­break­ing per­form­ances. Wheth­er you’re a long­time fan of Jungle or new to the scene, this event is a chance to exper­i­ence the best of Jungle, hip-hop, and glob­al sounds in one epic night.

Join us for this monu­ment­al event and immerse your­self in the rhythms of Congo Natty’s world, sur­roun­ded by artists who con­tin­ue to push the genre for­ward. Jungle music isn’t just a genre—it’s a move­ment, a life­style, and a cel­eb­ra­tion of unity through sound.

Don’t miss this chance to be part of history!

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.