Hip Hop VEGANG: Healthy, filling + tasty vegan food for under a Fiver! | London’s Cheap Eats [HACKNEY]

Hi there,

I know what you’re think­ing, vegan food in a res­taur­ant for under a fiver? Unheard of! Well, you’re in for a treat.

Fresh Piadinas in minutes!

Fresh Piad­i­nas in minutes!

On the corner of Hack­ney Wick Road lies a hid­den gem called Piad­ina Genu­ina. Piad­ina has only been run­ning for 4 months but boy, is it thriv­ing. I am so glad I wit­nessed its great­ness in the first couple of months because when it becomes big, I will stand with my hand held high shout­ing I was there from day 1. (actu­ally day 122 but hey, who’s count­ing?)

I’m not going to lie, I walked in not know­ing what to expect – I had read the con­sist­ent pos­it­ive reviews online and seen the pic­tures but I was still very much appre­hens­ive. That, and I didn’t even know what a piad­ina was (now I know it is a thin Itali­an flat­bread or as I like to call it fluffy, fresh, deli­cious good­ness!) All my wor­ries died down when I was greeted by a smil­ing face, and Ant­o­nio (the own­er) who although busy came to greet us at our table.

My friend and I both ordered a piad­ina, which was a giv­en – we had to try Anotonio’s spe­cial and oh boy, oh boy did it not dis­ap­point. It took no time at all for Ant­o­nio to whip up some fresh piad­ina for us even though he was really busy and from the first bite, I could under­stand why this place was hyped up loc­ally. It hit all the factors, com­fort, taste, sat­is­fac­tion and the piad­ina was the fluf­fi­est, tasti­est bread I have ever had. This is com­ing from a massive bread fan­at­ic.

It was so good that, I kid you not, I have had dreams about the Sal­sic­cio Piad­ina ever since. The Sal­sic­cio con­tains veg­gie saus­age, sweet potato, mush­rooms and broc­coli – that com­bin­a­tion was everything. My friend lit­er­ally stared at me in shock at how sur­pris­ingly good the food was. We also got the Valentino, an auber­gine, olive tapen­ade, sun­dried toma­toes and broc­coli piad­ina. It was very tasty, slightly a bit too oily for my tastes but the fla­vours were there and I def­in­itely pol­ished it off. As a tip, if you want the most of your money go for some­thing hearty + filling like the veg­gie saus­age or home-made seit­an (which I am yet to try!).

My real point is just go, you will not regret it. Piad­i­nas are a deli­cious inven­tion – so much so that after all of our food, I walked out, crossed the road and had to run back to order a takeaway Sal­sic­cia. It tasted just as good, dare I say even bet­ter, in a takeaway bag.

You can even create your own Piadina for not a penny extra! #winning

You can even cre­ate your own Piad­ina for not a penny extra! #win­ning

Next up was the ravi­oli. I have been crav­ing ravi­oli ever since I went vegan so I came with very high expect­a­tions which Ant­o­nio not only met but exceeded! The ravi­oli was made fresh (fresh on the spot!) and filled with spin­ach and vegan ricotta cheese, the sauce and the mush­rooms scattered on top was the cherry on top. It was food ecstasy and our reac­tions were so pos­it­ive we man­aged to con­vince the people oppos­ite us to order the ravi­oli next time they came!

Last but not least were the desserts – they offered a berry cheese­cake and a chocol­ate cheese­cake. Now I must say, I was prob­ably the wrong per­son to try these desserts as they are not the tra­di­tion­al cheese­cake but instead the filling is more jel­lied. If you are a fan of jel­lied desserts you will love this, unfor­tu­nately me and jelly have nev­er been friends. I will say I man­aged to fin­ish and pol­ish off the chocol­ate dessert hap­pily as it was a lot less firm/ ‘jelly’ like and the addi­tion of the chocol­ate sauce, dust­ing and nuts made it scrump­tious!

When I go back, I will be try­ing the Nutella chocol­ate crêpe for sure, the len­til-beet­root bur­ger + saus­age calzone – which will all come up to the same price as one pizza from pizza express! Can some­body please shout bar­gain?! (The tagliatelle looked as good as the ravi­oli)


If there is one thing you do this month, it should be to head on over to the little shop on the corner. There is so much to be dis­covered, and you will leave happy, full and with your wal­let still intact.

Bless the cheap vegan food that lets us still eat out and save.





Omo Eats (Piad­i­nas all day)

Find Piad­ina Genu­ina:



251 Wick Road, Hack­ney, Lon­don, Great­er Lon­don, Eng­land E9 5DG, United King­dom


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Omolade Ojo
Omol­ade Ojo is a Nigeri­an vegan pas­sion­ate about bring­ing con­scious eat­ing and nutri­tion to the minds and hearts of all young people. Hav­ing made the trans­ition a year ago, she became the founder of Our Vegan Cook­book, a page ded­ic­ated to show­cas­ing that vegan­ism is much sim­pler and access­ible than the media por­trays. Her blog ‘Omo Eats’ show­cases vegan product reviews, begin­ner tips and thought pro­vok­ing art­icles.

About Omolade Ojo

Omolade Ojo
Omolade Ojo is a Nigerian vegan passionate about bringing conscious eating and nutrition to the minds and hearts of all young people. Having made the transition a year ago, she became the founder of Our Vegan Cookbook, a page dedicated to showcasing that veganism is much simpler and accessible than the media portrays. Her blog ‘Omo Eats’ showcases vegan product reviews, beginner tips and thought provoking articles.