Hip Hop VEGANG: Healthy, filling + tasty vegan food for under a Fiver! | London’s Cheap Eats [HACKNEY]

Hi there,

I know what you’re think­ing, vegan food in a res­taur­ant for under a fiver? Unheard of! Well, you’re in for a treat.

Fresh Piadinas in minutes!

Fresh Piad­i­nas in minutes!

On the corner of Hack­ney Wick Road lies a hid­den gem called Piad­ina Genu­ina. Piad­ina has only been run­ning for 4 months but boy, is it thriv­ing. I am so glad I wit­nessed its great­ness in the first couple of months because when it becomes big, I will stand with my hand held high shout­ing I was there from day 1. (actu­ally day 122 but hey, who’s counting?)

I’m not going to lie, I walked in not know­ing what to expect – I had read the con­sist­ent pos­it­ive reviews online and seen the pic­tures but I was still very much appre­hens­ive. That, and I didn’t even know what a piad­ina was (now I know it is a thin Itali­an flat­bread or as I like to call it fluffy, fresh, deli­cious good­ness!) All my wor­ries died down when I was greeted by a smil­ing face, and Ant­o­nio (the own­er) who although busy came to greet us at our table.

My friend and I both ordered a piad­ina, which was a giv­en – we had to try Anotonio’s spe­cial and oh boy, oh boy did it not dis­ap­point. It took no time at all for Ant­o­nio to whip up some fresh piad­ina for us even though he was really busy and from the first bite, I could under­stand why this place was hyped up loc­ally. It hit all the factors, com­fort, taste, sat­is­fac­tion and the piad­ina was the fluf­fi­est, tasti­est bread I have ever had. This is com­ing from a massive bread fanatic.

It was so good that, I kid you not, I have had dreams about the Sal­sic­cio Piad­ina ever since. The Sal­sic­cio con­tains veg­gie saus­age, sweet potato, mush­rooms and broc­coli – that com­bin­a­tion was everything. My friend lit­er­ally stared at me in shock at how sur­pris­ingly good the food was. We also got the Valentino, an auber­gine, olive tapen­ade, sun­dried toma­toes and broc­coli piad­ina. It was very tasty, slightly a bit too oily for my tastes but the fla­vours were there and I def­in­itely pol­ished it off. As a tip, if you want the most of your money go for some­thing hearty + filling like the veg­gie saus­age or home-made seit­an (which I am yet to try!).

My real point is just go, you will not regret it. Piad­i­nas are a deli­cious inven­tion – so much so that after all of our food, I walked out, crossed the road and had to run back to order a takeaway Sal­sic­cia. It tasted just as good, dare I say even bet­ter, in a takeaway bag.

You can even create your own Piadina for not a penny extra! #winning

You can even cre­ate your own Piad­ina for not a penny extra! #win­ning

Next up was the ravi­oli. I have been crav­ing ravi­oli ever since I went vegan so I came with very high expect­a­tions which Ant­o­nio not only met but exceeded! The ravi­oli was made fresh (fresh on the spot!) and filled with spin­ach and vegan ricotta cheese, the sauce and the mush­rooms scattered on top was the cherry on top. It was food ecstasy and our reac­tions were so pos­it­ive we man­aged to con­vince the people oppos­ite us to order the ravi­oli next time they came!

Last but not least were the desserts – they offered a berry cheese­cake and a chocol­ate cheese­cake. Now I must say, I was prob­ably the wrong per­son to try these desserts as they are not the tra­di­tion­al cheese­cake but instead the filling is more jel­lied. If you are a fan of jel­lied desserts you will love this, unfor­tu­nately me and jelly have nev­er been friends. I will say I man­aged to fin­ish and pol­ish off the chocol­ate dessert hap­pily as it was a lot less firm/ ‘jelly’ like and the addi­tion of the chocol­ate sauce, dust­ing and nuts made it scrumptious!

When I go back, I will be try­ing the Nutella chocol­ate crêpe for sure, the len­til-beet­root bur­ger + saus­age calzone – which will all come up to the same price as one pizza from pizza express! Can some­body please shout bar­gain?! (The tagliatelle looked as good as the ravioli)


If there is one thing you do this month, it should be to head on over to the little shop on the corner. There is so much to be dis­covered, and you will leave happy, full and with your wal­let still intact.

Bless the cheap vegan food that lets us still eat out and save.





Omo Eats (Piad­i­nas all day)

Find Piad­ina Genuina:



251 Wick Road, Hack­ney, Lon­don, Great­er Lon­don, Eng­land E9 5DG, United Kingdom


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Omol­ade Ojo is a Nigeri­an vegan pas­sion­ate about bring­ing con­scious eat­ing and nutri­tion to the minds and hearts of all young people. Hav­ing made the trans­ition a year ago, she became the founder of Our Vegan Cook­book, a page ded­ic­ated to show­cas­ing that vegan­ism is much sim­pler and access­ible than the media por­trays. Her blog ‘Omo Eats’ show­cases vegan product reviews, begin­ner tips and thought pro­vok­ing articles.

About Omolade Ojo

Omolade Ojo is a Nigerian vegan passionate about bringing conscious eating and nutrition to the minds and hearts of all young people. Having made the transition a year ago, she became the founder of Our Vegan Cookbook, a page dedicated to showcasing that veganism is much simpler and accessible than the media portrays. Her blog ‘Omo Eats’ showcases vegan product reviews, beginner tips and thought provoking articles.