Hip-Hop Vengang Review | Rhythm108 All The Goodies (@Rhythm108)


Hi there,

Have you ever tried some­thing that makes you want to scream from the rooftops and tell all your vegan and non-vegan friends about? Well, you’re in for a treat. Wel­come to a world of deli­cious organ­ic treats that are afford­able and deli­cious. Trust me, I do not exag­ger­ate when it comes to snacks. Rhythm 108 are a Swedish brand ready to take over the vegan scene with a ven­geance and I for one would volun­teer as a trib­ute if their snacks were wait­ing for me on the oth­er side.

I first heard about Rhythm 108 through the hype around their tea bis­cuits (£0.49 at Aldi #bar­gain), obvi­ously I had to reach out to see if the hype lived up to its name. And boy, did it. These are hand on heart, the tasti­est, health­i­est bis­cuits you will have that is glu­ten free, dairy free, organ­ic and packed full of good ingredi­ents. Do your­self a favour and buy one (or a couple!) Until then, let me tempt you by my review. Brace yourselves for all the goodness.

Cook­ie Range

From the cook­ie range, I was sent the Coconut Cook­ie shar­ing tea bag. Now, a little dis­claim­er I am the biggest fan of coconut products so I had very big expect­a­tions. Need­less to say, the coconut cook­ie hit all the right spots. The first time I took a bite I was shocked by how moist it was, it was slightly weird but the more I had it, the bet­ter it was and the more addict­ing it was. Final ver­dict: abso­lutely deli­cious. I don’t know how they get their bis­cuits to taste this good, but I and all the people I shared it with need the secret formula.

I also received the lem­on + ginger bis­cuit pack­et – I don’t know how they con­stantly do it but this was a hit too – it was moist, tasty, full of fla­vour and just worked wonders.

I know what you’re think­ing, it Is not pos­sible to have such a glow­ing review – I know it shocked me as well but I say it as I see it… or taste it? Lol, the point being this is 100% factual.

New, Indul­gent Organ­ic Chocol­ate Bars 

I was sent three chocol­ate bars to taste – the Hazel­nut Praline, Sweet ‘N’ Salty Almond and Super Coconut.


Once again, the coconut shone through and the Super Coconut bar was my favour­ite of all the chocol­ate bars (hi coconut!). This was lit­er­ally remin­is­cent of a bounty bar, the chocol­ate had the same tex­ture and firm­ness as nor­mal milk chocol­ate bars. It was my child­hood all in one (I was a massive choco­hol­ic!) I remem­ber first tast­ing this chocol­ate bar and hav­ing happy flash­backs of bounty/ a good chocol­ate bar that doesn’t taste weird. Rhythm 108 nailed it.

The next bar I tried was the Sweet N Salty Almond and I must admit it was my least favour­ite bar due to per­son­al taste – I am not a fan of sweet and salty things in chocol­ate so it was some­thing I had to get used to but the chocol­ate bar itself was still amaz­ing and the chocol­ate truffle‑y bit in the inside (woah.) The fact that it was an oat and almond filling just made it doubly deli­cious (ignor­ing the salty part).

Last but not least, the Hazel­nut Praline did not meet my expect­a­tions of a snick­ers bar but that’s why I should have had no expect­a­tions lol. Regard­less it was still all the chocol­atey good­ness I had come to love from the pre­vi­ous bars (+ I actu­ally loved the addi­tion of the hazelnut).


As you can tell Rhythm 108 had me at the first bite. I’m prac­tic­ally in love ‑so much so, that when I spot­ted the Double Choco-Hazlen­ut shar­ing bag in a health food store I had to pick it up. I had high expect­a­tions which it (again!) exceeded, it was deli­cious, a hit with non-vegans and the chocol­ate chips were so legit – I was in double chocol­ate heav­en. I ate at least 80% of it, would have had some more but I wanted to share the love with my co-work­ers so they can exper­i­ence just how good it was.

All in all, if you are look­ing for chocol­ate bars remin­is­cent of Mars, Bounty and oth­er child­hood after school chocol­ate days you have come to the right blog post. Com­bined with healthy kicks such as an “oat & almond filling”, “praline oat & quinoa” and an “oat & coconut filling”, tasty treats have nev­er been so good for you.

Indulge. (I know I will)


Omo Eats (healthy chocol­ate every hour) #HIPHOPVE­GANG

 See below for snap­shot of the chocol­ate *heart eyes*


The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.
Omol­ade Ojo is a Nigeri­an vegan pas­sion­ate about bring­ing con­scious eat­ing and nutri­tion to the minds and hearts of all young people. Hav­ing made the trans­ition a year ago, she became the founder of Our Vegan Cook­book, a page ded­ic­ated to show­cas­ing that vegan­ism is much sim­pler and access­ible than the media por­trays. Her blog ‘Omo Eats’ show­cases vegan product reviews, begin­ner tips and thought pro­vok­ing articles.

About Omolade Ojo

Omolade Ojo is a Nigerian vegan passionate about bringing conscious eating and nutrition to the minds and hearts of all young people. Having made the transition a year ago, she became the founder of Our Vegan Cookbook, a page dedicated to showcasing that veganism is much simpler and accessible than the media portrays. Her blog ‘Omo Eats’ showcases vegan product reviews, beginner tips and thought provoking articles.