Tuff Kong Records Signs Long Island’s Renowned Rapper John Jigg$ @JiggsTheGreat @TuffKongRecords

Tuff Kong Records has just announced an album deal with Long Island’s well-known and famed artist John Jigg$.  Tuff Kong Records is an Indie Hip Hop Label based out of Rome, Italy with a cata­log of music from major artists such as Terman­o­logy, Con­way, Daniel Son, Benny, and now John Jigg$.


With his latest solo album “Twin Can­nons”, Jigg$ induced Boom Bap into a 70’s time machine with a deliv­ery of his fam­ous and hard­core New York style lyr­ics. A few months after the album release Tuff Kong Records took wind to the mass sweep of suc­cess Jigg$ received from radio, media, world-wide aren­as, fans, an inter­na­tion­al fol­low­ing, and recog­nized homage from legendary artists Eric Ser­mon, Par­ish Smith, Grand­daddy IU, Mr. Cheeks, and Keith Mur­ray.

Jigg$ is act­ively work­ing with Tuff Kong Records in-house pro­du­cers Cuns and Sine-One to cre­ate a monu­ment­al Hip Hop mas­ter­piece set for release in 2018.  Fol­low John Jigg$ and Tuff Kong Records for all updates.












Fol­low MJ @MJsHipHopConnex

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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!