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Sleep dis­orders are a cat­egory of ill­nesses that impair one’s capa­city to get enough sleep reg­u­larly. Sleep prob­lems are grow­ing more wide­spread in the United States, from a med­ic­al con­di­tion or too much stress. More than a third of indi­vidu­als in the United States say they receive less than 7 hours of sleep in 24 hours. On weeknights, more than 70% of high school stu­dents report not sleep­ing more than 8 hours of sleep.

Stress, hec­tic sched­ules, and oth­er envir­on­ment­al cir­cum­stances cause most indi­vidu­als to have dif­fi­culties sleep­ing from time to time. The con­cerns, on the oth­er hand, may sug­gest a sleep­ing dis­order. They occur reg­u­larly and inter­fere with every­day liv­ing. People with sleep dis­orders may have dif­fi­culty going asleep and feel exceed­ingly tired. Sleep depriva­tion may hurt your energy levels, emo­tions, atten­tion, and over­all health. Sleep dif­fi­culties can some­times be an adverse med­ic­al or men­tal health issue.

The sleep­ing prob­lems may go away after the under­ly­ing cause is treated.

When sleep­less­ness is per­sist­ent, the treat­ment includes a mix of med­ic­al ther­apies and life­style adjust­ments. If you feel you have a sleep dis­turb­ance, it’s crit­ic­al to get a dia­gnos­is and treat­ment as soon as pos­sible. The harm­ful impacts of sleep dis­turb­ances might lead to severe health implic­a­tions if they are not under prop­er management.

They can also hamper your abil­ity to com­plete every­day tasks, cause ten­sion in rela­tion­ships, and dam­age your pro­fes­sion­al performance.

Dif­fer­ent Types of Sleep Disorders?

● Insom­nia

The inab­il­ity to fall or keep asleep is clas­si­fied as insom­nia. Jet lag, stress and worry, hor­mones, and digest­ive issues are pos­sible causes. Insom­nia may harm your entire health and qual­ity of life, lead­ing to sad­ness, dif­fi­culties focus­ing, irrit­ab­il­ity, weight gain, and poor per­form­ance at work or school.
Insom­nia is unfor­tu­nately very pre­val­ent. Work­ing adults are often the worst hit among the pop­u­la­tion. It affects up to half of all Amer­ic­an adults at some time in their life. The con­di­tion is com­mon in women and eld­erly per­sons. Insom­nia has three categories:
Chron­ic insom­nia occurs in monthly cycles.
Inter­mit­tent insom­nia, which hap­pens regularly.
Tran­si­ent insom­nia occurs when insom­nia lasts only a few nights at a time.

● Apnea (sleep deprivation)
Sleep apnea includes breath­ing pauses while sleep­ing. It is a dan­ger­ous med­ic­al dis­order in which the body’s oxy­gen intake reduces. There are two types: obstruct­ive sleep apnea, in which the pas­sage of air is inter­rup­ted because the air­way is clogged or too small, and cent­ral sleep apnea, in which the brain and the muscles that reg­u­late your breath­ing have a prob­lem communicating.

● Para­som­ni­as
These are a group of sleep dis­orders hav­ing abnor­mal move­ments and actions while sleep­ing. Sleep­walk­ing, sleep talk­ing, moan­ing, night­mares, bed­wet­ting, teeth grind­ing, and jaw clench­ing are among them.

● Rest­less leg syndrome
Rest­less leg syn­drome (RLS) is char­ac­ter­ized by an insa­ti­able need to move one’s legs. A tingling feel­ing in the legs might occa­sion­ally accom­pany this impulse. These symp­toms can occur at any time of day, although they are more com­mon at night.
RLS is fre­quently linked to health issues such as atten­tion defi­cit hyper­activ­ity dis­order (ADHD) and Par­kin­son’s dis­ease, although the spe­cif­ic reas­on isn’t always visible.

● Nar­co­lepsy
Nar­co­lepsy includes sleep epis­odes that occur while you are awake. It means you’ll feel tired and fall asleep without warn­ing. Anoth­er symp­tom of the dis­order is sleep para­lys­is, which hap­pens when you are phys­ic­ally unable to move after wak­ing up. Nar­co­lepsy can occur on its own. It comes with oth­er neur­o­lo­gic­al dis­orders like mul­tiple scler­osis. You may not man­age the things that dis­rupt your sleep, but you may devel­op sleep-enhan­cing habits.

Five ways to deal with a sleep disorders :

Main­tain a reg­u­lar sleep routine

A healthy adult must get six hours of sleep every night. Sleep­ing for 8 hours is not always neces­sary for adults. A good sleep cycle can recharge your body and mind for the next day.

Try to decrease the time dif­fer­ence between your sleep sched­ules to no more than one hour on weeknights and week­ends. Main­tain­ing your body’s sleep-wake cycle requires con­sist­ency. If you haven’t fallen asleep after 20 minutes, get out of your room and do some­thing relax­ing. When you’re exhausted, go back to bed. As required, repeat the process.

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Use some Kratom

Yes, kratom, par­tic­u­larly red bali kratom, can help you obtain some much-needed rest. Some folks are per­plexed because they believe kratom is more stim­u­lant than a sleep aid. The fact is that it per­forms both func­tions. It depends on the dose. With more quant­ity, kratom can come in handy as a mod­er­ate sed­at­ive. It can be dif­fi­cult to unwind after a long day at the work­place since mod­ern life is fast-paced, fast-mov­ing, and frantic. Before going to bed, kratom is that par­tic­u­lar little herb that may help you feel more calm, groun­ded, and in one with your body.

Make phys­ic­al activ­ity a part of your day-to-day routine

Reg­u­lar phys­ic­al exer­cise might help you sleep bet­ter. How­ever, try to avoid stay­ing act­ive too late at night. It may also come in handy to spend time out­side every day.

Take care of your worries

Try to put your wor­ries and anxi­ety to rest before going to bed. Make a men­tal note of what’s on your mind and save it for the next day. Stress man­age­ment might be advant­age­ous. Begin with the basics, such as stay­ing under dis­cip­line, essen­tial tasks, and del­eg­at­ing respons­ib­il­it­ies. Med­it­a­tion can also help with anxiety.

Avoid tak­ing naps dur­ing the day

Long naps dur­ing the day might dis­rupt noc­turn­al sleep. Lim­it your sleep time to 30 minutes or less in a day. If you work extra hours, one may require a nap later before the job to make up for the lost sleep­ing time. The best way is to keep your­self act­ive once you start feel­ing sleepy. It will help your body not to go into the nap stage. It can decrease pro­ductiv­ity, and longer naps can cause more harm than good.


Although every­one exper­i­ences occa­sion­al sleep­i­ness, pro­longed sleep dis­orders may indic­ate a more sig­ni­fic­ant under­ly­ing issue. Although every­one exper­i­ences occa­sion­al lazi­ness, sleep dis­orders may indic­ate an essen­tial under­ly­ing con­di­tion. Sleep dis­turb­ances can be due to med­ic­al ill­nesses or drugs. Lack of sleep can lead to con­cen­tra­tion issues, memory issues, and an increased risk of acci­dents. If you’re exper­i­en­cing dif­fi­culties sleep­ing,  see your doc­tor. Kratom-based products con­tain a min­im­al amount of mitra­gyn­ine, mak­ing them safer for begin­ners in low quant­it­ies. The exper­i­enced ones can opt for Kratom-based products like Kratom extract cap­sules, which pro­duce a strong daze in the con­sumer. The best way is to vis­it your doc­tor and be hon­est about your sleep­ing pat­terns. They can devise a Kratom dose chart, which will fur­ther help you in the journey.

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Rishma Dhaliwal

Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voice­less. Cur­rently work­ing in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media know­ledge to I am Hip Hop and oth­er pro­jects by No Bounds.

About Rishma Dhaliwal

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless. Currently working in TV, Rishma brings her PR and media knowledge to I am Hip Hop and other projects by No Bounds.