I pull up to the ever icon­ic Jazz Café. The place is well atten­ded with all ages and people from all walks of life. Which might be sur­pris­ing con­sid­er­ing must people I know know him from his hood hits. The ambi­ence was filled with the sounds of the Jazz Café playl­ist. I always find it weird when pro­moters have an event with no DJ con­trolling the vibes. Gives me that wait­ing room energy.

Show­time and out comes his sup­port act for the night. The vir­al sen­sa­tion Cristale graced the stage. She was reel­ing off her cata­logue of tracks and got the reac­tion when she dropped her song “Bong Bing”. Backed by Dj Spooky she fired sharp bars over hard hit­ting beats. The biggest reac­tion came from a stripped back song of some unre­leased mater­i­al. All round was a decent per­form­ance, but I’ve nev­er been a fan of Artist’s who rap over their tracks, feels to karaōke for me. With more stage time and her levels of tal­ent, she’ll def­in­itely be one to watch!

With a small break and few more tracks of the playl­ist, it was star time!

Out came Tiggs Da Author in full star mode backed by a full band plus DJ. Styled fresh to death from head to toe (by Kash­mir Wick­ham) in a full Gen­er­als suit, plus medals. One by one he went thru real music­al tracks like “Blame it on the Youth” and “Geor­gia”. The crowd sung along with full voices. He was really well received and the energy was totally reciprocated.

The beauty of the music was the feel good ele­ment it fills you with. He then pro­ceeded to go through a short med­ley of his rap bangers, where he provides some of the best hooks in the scene. The way the crowd sang the songs and star­ted rap­ping out the verses from Nines and Pot­ter Paper was a test­a­ment to how diverse Tiggs Da Author really is.

Half way through we got an out­fit change where he came out with anoth­er army jack­et, this time the word Gen­er­al was writ­ten on the back. True to form he really did com­mand the stage like a gen­er­al! With track after track just get­ting you in dance mode the Tan­zani­an Artist really came to shine.

After the per­form­ance a friend said he wished Tiggs had more fea­tured appear­ances of his rap tracks, to which I respon­ded I’m actu­ally fully sat­is­fied that he rocked the show on his ones and made this a present­a­tion of his music­al­ity. Tiggs Da Author truly is an artist able to span multi genres well. We salute you.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Mas Law

Artist/Producer hail­ing from NW Lon­don. Enig­mat­ic storyteller and End of the Weak Eng­land Organiser.

About Mas Law

Artist/Producer hailing from NW London. Enigmatic storyteller and End of the Weak England Organiser.