This is the closet we have come to see­ing the full ori­gin­al Phar­cyde line-up on stage in dec­ades. The group is fam­ously known for fall­ing out and split­ting into two sep­ar­ate groups while occa­sion­ally com­ing togeth­er for big shows and spe­cial anniversar­ies. This was the 30th Anniversary tour of Bizarre Ride II the Phar­cyde their clas­sic debut album.

The most fas­cin­at­ing thing about this show was the num­ber of young mul­ti­cul­tur­al stu­dents in attend­ance that were really into the Phar­cyde and were rap­ping along to the lyrics.

Are we now see­ing the bene­fits of the Tik­Tok gen­er­a­tion where a lot of legendary Hip Hop acts going through a resur­gence are becom­ing pop­u­lar again with a new young­er generation?

At this stage Phar­cyde have a cata­logue of hits mainly from their first two Albums which could genu­inely go show for show with nearly any oth­er cata­logue in Hip Hop history!
Tonight we heard the live ver­sions of clas­sic cuts such as “Passin me by” “Ova Fish” “Drop” “Run­ning” & more…

As a seasoned trio, Slimkid3, Imanai & Fat­lip graced the stage with an impec­cable syn­ergy, with Imanai espe­cially dis­play­ing impress­ive dance moves (Con­sid­er­ing they’re now in their 50s) includ­ing high kicks, Fat­lip stage diving whilst Slimkid3 shut it down with his vocal harmonies.

Pharcyde’s leg­acy and influ­ence can be felt by some of the largest names in Hip Hop when Rap super­star & fel­low west coast MC/Producer Will-i-am (Black eyed peas) showed up just to hang out stage side before being invited onstage along­side Rap vet­er­an Ras Kass to deliv­er stor­ies about there shared his­tor­ies and how they all influ­enced each other.

I very much enjoyed this show with the added bonus of see­ing some West Coast Hip Hop Legends uni­fied onstage.

9.5 Out Of 10!! (Near per­fec­tion. Just miss­ing a couple clas­sic cuts from the setlist)


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Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )