In his latest book, Tik­Tok sen­sa­tion Big Manny steps up as your per­son­al guide to the world of at-home sci­ence exper­i­ments, and he does it with a bang—literally! Aimed at young sci­ent­ists aged 9–12, this book trans­forms ordin­ary house­hold ingredi­ents into extraordin­ary sci­entif­ic discoveries.

From the out­set, Manny’s cha­ris­mat­ic voice leaps off the page, mak­ing com­plex chem­istry con­cepts not just access­ible, but down­right excit­ing. He breaks down the basics, lead­ing read­ers from the fiery reac­tions of com­bus­tion to the col­our­ful rev­el­a­tions of chro­ma­to­graphy (yes, even if you’ve nev­er heard of it before). Along the way, he intro­duces the ele­ments like they’re char­ac­ters in an action-packed drama—imagine hydro­gen as the fiery one and oxy­gen as the essen­tial “main man.”

The exper­i­ments them­selves are the heart of the book, and they don’t dis­ap­point. Expect explosions—safely, of course—with fizz­ing oranges and dish soap vol­ca­noes that are sure to impress. Manny’s clear instruc­tions and infec­tious enthu­si­asm ensure that read­ers not only learn the “how” but also the “why” behind each exper­i­ment, spark­ing curi­os­ity and a love for science.

Illus­trat­or Subi Bosa brings Manny’s ener­get­ic vis­ion to life with vibrant and enga­ging illus­tra­tions that per­fectly com­ple­ment the text. His art­work adds an extra lay­er of fun, mak­ing the sci­ence even more approachable.

Over­all, Big Manny’s Guide to Lit Sci­ence Exper­i­ments is a must-have for any young aspir­ing sci­ent­ist. It’s not just a book—it’s an invit­a­tion to explore, exper­i­ment, and see the world through the eyes of a real-life sci­ent­ist. Big Manny proves that sci­ence isn’t just cool—it’s abso­lutely lit, innit?

Mas Law sits down with Tik­Tok sci­ence sen­sa­tion Big Manny to dis­cuss his debut book ‘Sci­ence Is Lit’.

Sci­ence Is Lit is OUT NOW. Grab your copy HERE

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Mas Law

Artist/Producer hail­ing from NW Lon­don. Enig­mat­ic storyteller and End of the Weak Eng­land Organiser.

About Mas Law

Artist/Producer hailing from NW London. Enigmatic storyteller and End of the Weak England Organiser.