On Monday 24th Feb­ru­ary Soul gigs and Biggs presen­ted the return of Legendary RnB Song­stress Teedra Moses, who com­pleted the second of her two-night res­id­ency at the world-fam­ous Jazz Café.

Cel­eb­rat­ing the 15th Anniversary of her clas­sic album Com­plex Sim­pli­city. Teedra took to the stage look­ing amaz­ing as always, backed by an incred­ibly tight and well-drilled 4‑piece band, along­side her back­ing vocal­ist the cha­ris­mat­ic and highly soul­ful J Black.

Not only did Teedra per­form songs from Com­plex Sim­pli­city we were also treated to songs from the bril­liant Cognac and Con­ver­sa­tion album as well as an exclus­ive per­form­ance of ‘Cul­ture’ taken from KAYTRANADA’s new album BUBBA.

Teedra acknow­ledged her fel­low female RnB con­tem­por­ises by per­form­ing a heart­felt trib­ute to Mary J Blige and Lauryn Hill with a rendi­tion of ‘Be Happy and ‘Fugee La’. This show was cer­tainly for the grown and sexy whilst Teedra made sure she had a little some­thing for the ratchets in attend­ance too. There was some­thing on her set­l­ist for everyone.

You couldn’t help but admire the way she flaw­lessly sang through every single song of her hour and a half long set whilst occa­sion­ally sip­ping from her Brandy and dan­cing flir­ta­tiously across the stage at vari­ous inter­vals through­out the show.

My per­son­al high­light of the night was her sen­su­ous per­form­ance of the song ‘back­stroke’, which she per­formed to close her set before exit­ing the stage.

After a rap­tur­ous applause from the ador­ing crowd Teedra sent her audi­ence home beam­ing with an exten­ded ver­sion of her clas­sic ‘Be your girl’. Over­all Teedra Moses delivered a beguil­ing mas­ter­class in vocal deliv­ery and live per­form­ance, giv­ing this 15th Anniversary cel­eb­ra­tion of Com­plex Sim­pli­city the send-off this clas­sic album so richly deserves.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )