Review : MHD at the M.I.A.‘s Meltdown

davENERGY. If I had to give only one word to describe this show it would that be that one. This Sunday the South­bank Cen­ter wel­comed MHD, the Afro Trap star, who came in Lon­don to defend its double plat­in­um project.

The ground was mainly com­posed of fol­low­ers, already real con­nois­seurs of the move­ment, even if some curi­ous people were attend­ing the event to bet­ter under­stand this phe­nomen­on. The pit was not so large between the first seats and the stage, which proves that the ven­ue is not really adap­ted for this kind of show.

It was the first time I atten­ded an Afro Trap con­cert, and sur­pris­ingly, the atmo­sphere is sim­il­ar to this music.  It’s a per­fect mix between Trap, with gang­ster impres­sions and loud music, and Afro rhythmic, with very dan­cing beats and breezy ground. Right from the start, when MHD came into the stage with his two part­ners, black sunglasses and hood on his head, every­body was stand­ing up and dancing.

mdeThe ener­get­ic atmo­sphere did not drop until the end, dot­ted with mul­tiple inter­ac­tions with the pub­lic. Like this impro­vised dan­cing com­pet­i­tion between ran­dom fans on stage for instance. For few seconds the par­ti­cipants had to make spe­cial moves on Afro Trap rhymes acapella.

In front of a cap­tiv­ated pub­lic, MHD was run­ning through his show and giv­ing him­self fully. To the extent that, after one hour per­form­ing and hands on his knees, he asked to the audi­ence with a very French accent: “It’s fin­ished?”. Of course, the pub­lic strongly dis­agreed with this. Then, the artist ulti­mately per­formed two last songs and left under a stand­ing ova­tion, let­ting the pub­lic fully sat­is­fied of their evening.

The M.I.A.‘s Melt­down Fest­iv­al is run­ning until the 18th of June :


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Timothée Chataux

Com­ing from Par­is and inter­ested in French & US Hip Hop top­ics. I’m writ­ting about any rel­ev­ant sub­jects for I am Hip Hop magazine. You only know MC Sol­aar ? My mis­sion is to show you many more.

About Timothée Chataux

Coming from Paris and interested in French & US Hip Hop topics. I'm writting about any relevant subjects for I am Hip Hop magazine. You only know MC Solaar ? My mission is to show you many more.