Fort Green, Brook­lyn nat­ive Lucky Tatt drops his debut album “Proven­ance” entirely pro­duced by Endem­ic Emer­ald. Lucky Tatt has been up and com­ing in the NY scene over the last few years col­lab­or­at­ing & get­ting props from the likes of Lil Fame & Roy­al Flush.

Ori­gin­ally hail­ing from the UK, Endem­ic Emerald’s love of east-coast hip-hop promp­ted a move to NYC where he has released a not­able num­ber of banging tracks fea­tur­ing the likes of Sean Price, Ill Bill, Tragedy Khadafi, Ruste Juxx, Darkim Be Allah, Revenge Of The Truence and many more.

Let me start by say­ing this. If you are look­ing for some authen­t­ic NY Hip-Hop with actu­al word play, stor­ies and a mes­sage then look no further.

We all have had a tur­bu­lent year plus and it’s still ongo­ing but every cloud has a sil­ver lin­ing as they say. What has been so encour­aging is the amount of work artists and cre­at­ives have been put­ting in dur­ing this time. Lucky Tatt’s debut album “Proven­ance” is test­a­ment to this. Hon­estly I didn’t know what to expect when I first played Tatt’s LP. All I knew when this hit my digit­al desk was he has worked with Lil Fame one half of M.O.P. [one of my favour­ite NY rap duos of all time] and had Plan­et Asia fea­tured on the LP. That was enough for me to know I was in for a music­al jour­ney and a half.

First off shoutout to Endem­ic Emer­ald who really out did them­selves on the pro­duc­tion. Each beat truly feels like clas­sic NY under­ground bangers but yet still so unique and mod­ern. EE’s beats really set the scene and feel of NY and being an older Hip-Hop head it is a pleas­ant taste of nos­tal­gia. Lucky Tatt doesn’t dis­ap­point on EE’s beats and deliv­ers a well-con­struc­ted and thought out album.

After a good few listens I have to say I wasn’t dis­ap­poin­ted and felt like I was brought back to my CD-Man days. Believ­ing myself to be a con­nois­seur of all things Hip-Hop this was a revital­ising listen. From the jump “Old School at noon” starts off by Tatt being schooled by an eld­er funny enough called Old School at noon. OSAN reminds me of chop­ping it up with my eld­ers who pass on encour­age­ment and wis­dom. As the album offi­cially kicks off we are graced with “Kon­flic­ted” Ft. Plan­et Asia. Plan­et Asia has been one of my favour­ite under­ground artists for the longest time so I may be biased. Either way Tatt and Asia deliv­er a well-bal­anced com­bin­a­tion of meta­phors and punch­lines with a tra­di­tion­al NY gritty sound, feel and deliv­ery. The intro and second track really set the tone for the rest of the LP. With tracks like “Trans­ition” which has a chilled and horny [as in the instru­ment] vibe, which Tatt gives us a little insight into who he is and his life right now with impress­ive word­play. Tatt doesn’t shy away from speak­ing his mind on the Black Struggle in Amer­ica with “Answer to a Ques­tion”. Deliv­er­ing a mes­sage of Black empower­ment but not afraid to touch on things like Black Wall Street and segreg­a­tion. All I can say is the mes­sage is clear “we got a prob­lem | cre­ate a solu­tion | we the answer to our own ques­tion | revolution”.

Oth­er tracks on the album that stood out to me were “Sit Back” Ft. Josy, a beau­ti­ful track with some great word play from Tatt. Paint­ing a vivid pic­ture of the NY streets and how one has to stay ahead of the game. The cherry on top is Swedish sing­er Josy who really com­ple­ments the chilled, laid back feel Endem­ic Emer­ald deliv­ers with the beat. “Energy” has that DJ Premier/M.O.P. feel to the beat and Tatt lets us know if your “energy is off |stay over there”. It is def­in­itely a strong head nod­der with a cau­tion­ary mes­sage behind it. Last but not least [as it’s in chro­no­lo­gic­al order] “second hand”.  If you ever grew up with little then this is the track for you. Tatt breaks down that “anoth­er man’s trash is anoth­er man’s treas­ure”, and I couldn’t help feel­ing nos­tal­gic about the hand-me-downs and how you can make use of things once used.

To fin­ish up I can hon­estly say I am look­ing for­ward to what else Lucky Tatt will bring to the Hip-Hop scene. If this LP is any­thing to go by then I can expect Tatt going from strength to strength. But being in the present this is def­in­itely a gift to say the least.

Proven­ance is out now via No Cure Records / Fat Beats / Ingrooves digit­ally, on CD and on Vinyl.

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Jay St Paul

Jay St Paul AKA Uncle JuJu is Founder & CEO of Hi…Creativity LTD | Dee­jay | Graph­ic Design­er | Illus­trat­or | Journ­al­ist | Writer | Pod­cast Host | Radio Presenter. Born and raised in West Lon­don Jay has always found love and solace in being cre­at­ive and express­ing him­self. Always look­ing to improve where he can and look­ing to learn new things as that is the jour­ney of being a creative.

About Jay St Paul

Jay St Paul AKA Uncle JuJu is Founder & CEO of Hi...Creativity LTD | Deejay | Graphic Designer | Illustrator | Journalist | Writer | Podcast Host | Radio Presenter. Born and raised in West London Jay has always found love and solace in being creative and expressing himself. Always looking to improve where he can and looking to learn new things as that is the journey of being a creative.