NYC-based pro­du­cer Endem­ic Emer­ald is proud to present the release of his 3rd album entitled “The Vir­ux”. Fea­tur­ing such renowned emcees as Gen­er­al Steele, Chris Rivers, Sad­at X, Plan­et Asia, Tragedy Khadafi, Ruste Juxx, Rim & Roy­al Flush — to name but a few — the set is packed with high class tal­ent embed­ded in elec­tri­fy­ing sound­scapes. Endem­ic, known for pro­du­cing out­stand­ing com­pil­a­tion records [Ter­min­al ill­ness 1 & 2] once again does not dis­ap­point with this offer­ing, which com­prises a cohes­ive selec­tion of epic, yet gritty east coast bangers. Col­lab­or­at­ing with a com­bin­a­tion of legendary and upcom­ing rap­pers “The Vir­ux” has that clas­sic feel from begin­ning to end, ensur­ing it to become an under­ground favourite. 

On this pro­ject with the power­house of legendary and upcom­ing Hip-Hop fea­tures that should be enough to turn most ears of real Hip-Hop heads. If not, then I don’t know what to tell you as “The Vir­ux” is filled with melod­ic gritty New York beats, intel­li­gent rhymes, com­plex flows that are superbly delivered. I had to re-listen to the album sev­er­al times and rewind tracks just to absorb what was being said.

What I really enjoy is the fact that there is more know­ledge of self being spoken then the usu­al murder, murder, kill, kill we are overly exposed to. Also the con­trast from the dark, grimy and melod­ic head bump­ing boom-bap beats to the know­ledge that is being dropped really brings back that Hip-Hop thought pro­vok­ing nos­tal­gia. With the fea­tured artists you can tell that they bounced off each oth­er and in some ways tried to out rap each oth­er. Which is what Hip-Hop is all about espe­cially when you jump in the booth. Well I shouldn’t be sur­prised, I mean just check out the features.

“The Vir­ux” features

Gen­er­al Steele | Best known for being a mem­ber of the duo Smif-n-Wessun with Tek, and also the super­group Boot Camp Clik.

Tragedy Khadafi | Rap­per and record pro­du­cer who helped spawn oth­er Hip-Hop artists such as Mobb Deep, Capone-N-Nore­aga, Nas and many oth­ers both through pro­duc­tion and influ­ence. He was the first in the Queens­bridge pro­jects to cre­ate intel­li­gent street music, and is doc­u­mented to be the first to use the phrase “Ill­mat­ic” in 1988 on a record called “The Rebel”, from the Mar­ley Marl album In Con­trol, Volume 1, which was an inspir­a­tion and influ­ence on fel­low New York rap­per Nas.

Ruste Juxx | He was a protégé of Sean Price, and a fre­quent guest rap­per on Duck Down Music record­ings. His first appear­ance was on the song “Mag­num Force” off Hel­tah Skel­tah’s Mag­num Force.

Roy­al Flush | His 1997 debut album, Ghetto Mil­lion­aire, fea­tured pro­duc­tion from Buck­wild, L.E.S., Da Beat­minerz and some verses from Nore­aga in vari­ous songs, and received crit­ic­al acclaim.

Plan­et Asia | He is prom­in­ent for being one half of the now reunited Hip-Hop duo the Cali Agents and is cur­rently a mem­ber of the groups Gold Chain Mil­it­ary and Dur­ag Dyn­asty. He is also well known for his vast dis­co­graphy of mixtapes.

Darkim Be Allah | Wu-Tang Clan affil­i­ate, renowned since the late 90’s for his work with the Wu-Tang fam­ily & edu­cates with the 5% teach­ings of the Nation of Gods & Earths.

Revenge of the truence | Are a Duo com­posed of Lyr­i­cist MuG­Gz and Lyricist/Producer Tay Dayne (LTY Music). Togeth­er they bring a fresh and authen­t­ic brand of street sci­ence to the New York hip hop sound.

Sad­at X | Best known as a mem­ber of altern­at­ive hip hop group Brand Nubian.

Chris Rivers | He is the young­est son of the late rap­per Big Pun.

Supreme | Rose to prom­in­ence in early 1981 when he formed The Supreme Team based in South Jamaica, Queens, New York City, New York.

Addi­tion­al features

Kasim Allah | Lucky Tatt | FRD FRLN | Rim | Inno­cent | Foul Monday | DJ Mr. Switch | kenyat­tah black | mil­it­ant eth­os | Skanks | DJ P.F. Cut­tin | Mic Handz | Dready Kruger | Neek The Exotic

“The Vir­ux” also doubles up as a great intro­duc­tion to these artists and their works. I was truly pleased and sur­prised to see many of the artists on this pro­ject and was a joy to listen to.

Stand out tracks for me 

Cham­pi­on Sound Ft. Darkim Be Allah & Kasim Allah | The Awaken­ing Ft. Plan­et Asia, Lucky Tatt & FRD FRLN | Crit­ic­al Mass Ft. Rim, Inno­cent, Foul Monday & DJ Mr. Switch | Actu­al Sci­ence Ft. Plan­et Asia, Sad­at X, Darkim Be Allah & Kenyat­tah Black | They Live Ft. Chris Rivers & Revenge Of the Truence | Battle Zone Ft Ruste Juxx, Skanks, Supreme & DJ P.F. Cut­tin | Yes­ter­day Is Tomor­row Ft. Inno­cent, Mic Handz & Dready Kruger

So, if you want to refresh your Hip-Hop palette and dig into some­thing with some ser­i­ous sub­stance this pro­ject will do it for you. What a pro­ject for the wrap up of 2021.

“The Vir­ux” is avail­able now on all stream­ing plat­forms.


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Jay St Paul

Jay St Paul AKA Uncle JuJu is Founder & CEO of Hi…Creativity LTD | Dee­jay | Graph­ic Design­er | Illus­trat­or | Journ­al­ist | Writer | Pod­cast Host | Radio Presenter. Born and raised in West Lon­don Jay has always found love and solace in being cre­at­ive and express­ing him­self. Always look­ing to improve where he can and look­ing to learn new things as that is the jour­ney of being a creative.

About Jay St Paul

Jay St Paul AKA Uncle JuJu is Founder & CEO of Hi...Creativity LTD | Deejay | Graphic Designer | Illustrator | Journalist | Writer | Podcast Host | Radio Presenter. Born and raised in West London Jay has always found love and solace in being creative and expressing himself. Always looking to improve where he can and looking to learn new things as that is the journey of being a creative.