Who is Marv Radio?

“A ground­break­ing musi­cian and son­ic sci­ent­ist. He has been hack­ing his own voice to use as a tool for music, art and ther­apy for over 18 years. Marv is known for his out-of-this-world live music and theatre shows where he com­bines beat­box­ing, live loop­ing, singing and rap to make high energy motiv­a­tion­al hip hop.”

Man­tra is the latest pro­ject from the ver­sat­ile being known as Marv Radio. To call this an album really does short sell the Man­tra exper­i­ence because it is an audio movie/documentary. Marv Radio really gives us a truly no holds barred insight into his life and exper­i­ences. He gives us a true reflec­tion & insight into the inner work­ings of his soul as he nar­rates his story. This is a purely vocal album minus one track. So, everything you hear or exper­i­ence on Man­tra is 100% all pro­duced Marv Radio which really adds anoth­er level of depth to the Man­tra experience. 

To express how truly unique Man­tra is and how raw the pro­ject is, listen to tracks like ‘Road 2 Ruin’ where Marv tells his story about try­ing to take his life as a young child and how listen­ing to Tupac saved his life. Or the crazy story of ‘Fall­ing Part 1’ on how he fell down a moun­tain in Peru and dis­lo­cated his spine, and then was intro­duced to the sac­red heal­ing plants and how this healed him as well as meet­ing inter-dimen­sion­al beings. Marv Radio really does dig deep on Man­tra and leaves very little to the ima­gin­a­tion, he cov­ers rela­tion­ships, his love for music, seek­ing self, mov­ing back in with his mum, get­ting back up when you have been broken down, love and much more.

This is truly a super unique pro­ject and a drastic change from the norm, and as such I would def­in­itely recom­mend that you do not approach this like a reg­u­lar album. Come with an open mind and soul and dive into the exper­i­ence and enjoy the journey. 

Check out our inter­view below with Marv Radio on the Hi…Creativity Pod­cast where we chop it up about Man­tra and much more.

Marv Radio You­Tube inter­view & Spo­ti­fy interview

Click the web­site link below to order your copy of Man­tra and check out his offer­ings and edu­ca­tion­al services.

Marv Radio Links:

Band­camp | Web­site | Spo­ti­fy | You­Tube | Ins­tagram | Face­book | Sound­Cloud | Twit­ter



& All That Good Stuff

Uncle JuJu

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Jay St Paul

Jay St Paul AKA Uncle JuJu is Founder & CEO of Hi…Creativity LTD | Dee­jay | Graph­ic Design­er | Illus­trat­or | Journ­al­ist | Writer | Pod­cast Host | Radio Presenter. Born and raised in West Lon­don Jay has always found love and solace in being cre­at­ive and express­ing him­self. Always look­ing to improve where he can and look­ing to learn new things as that is the jour­ney of being a creative.

About Jay St Paul

Jay St Paul AKA Uncle JuJu is Founder & CEO of Hi...Creativity LTD | Deejay | Graphic Designer | Illustrator | Journalist | Writer | Podcast Host | Radio Presenter. Born and raised in West London Jay has always found love and solace in being creative and expressing himself. Always looking to improve where he can and looking to learn new things as that is the journey of being a creative.