In this cur­rent fin­an­cial cli­mate It was an invest­ment worth mak­ing to wit­ness the return of Legendary Kendrick Lamar dur­ing his first UK tour in 5years.

As I arrived at the world renowned O2 Arena on this brisk Lon­don Novem­ber even­ing. Bump­ing into oth­er prom­in­ent mem­bers of the UK Hip Hop com­munity (Apex Zero, Shortee Blitz, Essa & Sharna Cane) who shared a feel­ing of excite­ment and anti­cip­a­tion for tonight’s per­form­ance fully expect­ing him to sur­pass the bril­liance seen from his Gla­ston­bury 2022 head­lining per­form­ance dur­ing the summer.

A few months ago I had a heated debate with a friend on wheth­er a mod­ern day artist in Hip Hop could ever deliv­er a live exper­i­ence com­par­able to a prime Pub­lic Enemy?

For almost three dec­ades I would say the answer was no.

What I wit­nessed at the O2 Arena this night dur­ing Kendrick Lamar’s Big Step­pers Tour not only matched peak PE in 2022 this was the evolution.

Kendrick is such a power­ful per­former with a clear crisp, flaw­lessly delivered, com­plex clev­er lyr­i­cism, all pro­jec­ted from one man for almost two hours.

The pro­duc­tion level I would dare say has sur­passed even peak Michael Jackson!

Did I just wit­ness the pin­nacle of Rap performance?

Lit­er­ally every track unleashed from his four clas­sic albums were metic­u­lously craf­ted from the sta­ging to the visu­als, Pyro, light­ing, out­fits and dancers.

In his own words dur­ing the con­cert Kendrick called this:

“the greatest show on earth”

The con­sum­mate pro­fes­sion­al, the­at­ric­al stage maes­tro along with guest appear­ances from fel­low Pg Lang artists: Tanna Leone and Baby Keem, both helped Kendrick whip the crowd into hys­ter­ics dur­ing a thun­der­ous per­form­ance of “Fam­ily Ties” incit­ing mosh pits on either sides of the stage.

Kendrick Lamar is a gen­er­a­tion­al Artist who along with his team effort­lessly keep me fully engaged and inves­ted for almost two hours!! Such a remark­able show! Money well spent.

Check out some high­lights from the show below:

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )