Although I’d pre­vi­ously been to Super Organ­ic events in smal­ler ven­ues, This was on a lar­ger scale for 1st anniversary of Super Organ­ic.

This event has partnered with renowned live event pro­du­cers Ser­i­ous to bring a “touch of boom-bap energy to the EFG Lon­don Jazz Fest­iv­al an incred­ible com­munity of musi­cians, emcees and poets ready to mix golden era hip-hop vibes, with new skool lyr­i­cism, spoken word and live music.” cur­ated by the geni­us mind of pro­du­cer / com­munity act­iv­ist  — Fusion

From the lay­out with the audi­ence sat and stand­ing 34 around the stage this felt like a theatre pro­duc­tion accom­pan­ied by Apex Zero’s stel­lar Drum­mer War­ri­or art install­a­tion in War­ren Streets latest hot spot “Goodz Com­pany”

Super Organ­ic is divided into Side A and side B broken up by an inter­val, this event runs like a mix­tape with the fea­tured artists per­form­ing in both halves of the show.

The line on the night fea­tured musi­cian, con­cep­tu­al­ist and cho­reo­graph­er Tyr­one Isaac Stu­art, reg­gae rebel Br!dge, rap­per and act­iv­ist AWATE, film­maker, writer and word­smith Apex Zero along­side Dem­bis Thioung (drums) and Moussa Dembele (kora/balafon), multi-genre song­stress K Soul and the per­cuss­ive power­house that is Han­na­bi­ell Sanders & Ylis from Ladies of Mid­night Blue.

There were many high­lights on the night includ­ing see­ing the return of Awate & a phe­nom­en­al per­form­ance from Apex Zero and more… I left the show feel­ing enter­tained, spir­itu­ally uplif­ted and excited to see how Super Organ­ic evolves and grows in the years to come.

Enough from me, here’s some quotes from some oth­ers at the show I spoke to dur­ing the inter­val.

“Super Authen­t­ic & Cul­tur­ally Essen­tial! I had an awe­some time and thor­oughly loved how inter­act­ive and poignant it was! Would def­in­itely love to go again. Apex Zero’s per­form­ance and the young ladies on the 🪘 and trom­bone 🔥🔥🔥🔥 was a high­light. I love tak­ing in live instru­ment­a­tion. It really adds to the phys­ic­al energy in the space! (ZEE)

“The show­case format; the mix­ture of per­formers; the audi­ence and par­tic­u­larly Apex Zero but that was a per­son­al thing as I’ve seen him and been sup­port­ing him from day dot. I thought Fusion was the incred­ible glue that pulled it all togeth­er and all of the acts I loved! If I was being con­struct­ive in what would work bet­ter for me is if the DJ selec­tion was less US Hip Hop and more rep­res­ent­at­ive of the artists being show­cased on by BMT. We fight as artist to per­form live but then the DJ’s then go and play multi mil­lion selling artists and to me it epi­tom­ises the struggle black U.K. artist face in their own back yard. And I say that as a U.K. artist and a fan of U.K. Hip Hop” ( TJ Chill UK Hip Hop Legend)

“Attend­ing BMT’s Cul­ture Clubs, Super Organ­ic live Jazz fest­iv­al fea­tur­ing Apex Zero’s Drum­mer, War­ri­or, Storyteller a visu­al album install­a­tion was a spir­itu­al exper­i­ence. The high­lights of the event were cer­tainly feel­ing part of a com­munity, laugh­ing with the excep­tion­al Fusion and being moved in my core by the ‘Ladies of the Mid­night Blue’. My broth­er Apex nev­er fails to deliv­er an incred­ible per­form­ance deliv­er­ing an act­iv­ist energy that tran­scends the stage mov­ing the audi­ence as one. My time exhib­it­ing ‘Har­vest Rebel­lion’ has been a gift as we mani­fes­ted some­thing in phys­ic­al form, the hand forged Iron Sculpture/Cutlass is a ode to tra­di­tion­al Carib­bean leg­acy, forgged with labour of our ancest­ors and selves sim­ul­tan­eously, the met­al is forever etched with Apex’s hand­writ­ten lyr­ics. The mean­ing: to har­vest Free­dom and live Rebel­li­ous spir­it.” (Roxe) 

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Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )