On a pretty chill Decem­ber even­ing in a sold out Brix­ton Elec­tric. Filled with a young crowd bub­bling away with an excited energy. 

Ari Len­nox described the demo­graph­ic as a “Beau­ti­ful Chocol­ate Audi­ence” con­sid­er­ing the recent con­tro­ver­sial com­ments from Hip Hop Artist “Noname” Ari seemed genu­inely empowered by the turn out tonight.

 The show opened with an erup­tion from the crowd as Ari paraded the stage grace­fully in a full length white fur coat to sounds of her dope trio of musi­cians (Drums, Keys & an allur­ing female elec­tric guitarist)

Her back drop was an unusu­al look con­sist­ing of three columns filled with shelves of black manikin heads wear­ing wigs in an assort­ment of colours.

Along with some giant pot plants.

The vibe was relaxed like we were inside Ari’s home.

As Ari got com­fort­able she took off the long white fur coat soon fol­lowed by her heels & per­formed bare­foot for the remainder of the show.

Ari was mas­ter­ful with her inter­ac­tions with the crowd tonight. Lit­er­ally hav­ing us in the palm of her hands with empower­ing words for young Black Women, believ­ing in your­self & even pok­ing fun at her label boss J. Cole call­ing him the “Fuzzy man” 

(Ok lets get into the Set…)

Per­form­ing a mix­ture of cuts from her debut EP “PHO” & her Amaz­ing debut album “Shea But­ter Baby” The ador­ing crowed vir­tu­ally sang every song word for word. This show clocked in at a flaw­less hour & a half, integ­rat­ing instru­ment­al solos from her Gui­tar­ist & cameos at the end from her three ter­rif­ic open­ing acts. 

This show felt like we were wit­ness­ing a star in the mak­ing with such a com­mand­ing over­all per­form­ance tonight. Ari has been described in the media as a “Young Erykah Badu” high praise which I feel is richly deserved.

This was a spe­cial show which was fur­ther enhanced by Ari bring­ing her moth­er on stage + her team present­ing her with a cel­eb­rat­ory cake & a bou­quet of flowers at the close the show. 

Stand out per­form­ances on the night were “Up Late” “Apart­ment” “Shea But­ter Baby” & “BMO”

Review by SKANDOUZ for I am Hip Hop Magazine

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Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )