I usu­ally stay out the way of these hype secret free pro­mo­tion­al gigs.
You know the ones you hear about on the socials leav­ing you feel­ing sad because you you didn’t get the hook up and grumpy because you ain’t in the cool crowd and always miss out.

This time around it felt good being one of the cool kids being invited to this secret gig to see one of the dopest artists to emerge on the Hip Hop scene in the last sev­en years.

First rising to prom­in­ence on Dr Dre’s Compton Album before drop­ping 4 excel­lent stu­dio albums and a string of con­sist­ent dope fea­tures.

Tonight we wit­nessed a gen­er­a­tion­al tal­ent in his prime along­side one of the tight­est live bands (The Free Nation­als) in the busi­ness!

This was a show you couldn’t ove­rhype.
The stand­ards were high and even that was exceeded.

This show was excel­lence. Ander­son glided from song to song deliv­er­ing a world class music­al exper­i­ence be it singing whilst play­ing on the drums as well or on the mic break­ing out into James brown esq dance routines with his back­ground sing­ers

We were treated to vari­ety, altern­at­ive ver­sions of singles and non album cuts like ‘Down­town’

This show appealed to day one Ander­son .PAAK fans and those that came on board off the back of his Silk Son­ic suc­cess with Bruno Mars.

Ander­son closed with a rendi­tion off ‘Bub­blin’ to send the audi­ence home happy before get­ting up from the drum kit and toss­ing his sticks into the crowd where I was treated to the final visu­al of two ladies fight­ing over a drum stick only to come to a dip­lo­mat­ic res­ol­u­tion over a game of rock, paper, scis­sors!


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Hip Hop Artist / Act­iv­ist / Journ­al­ist / Fun lov­ing indi­vidu­al @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )


Hip Hop Artist / Activist / Journalist / Fun loving individual @SKANDOUZ (On Errr’thang )