It’s easy to pon­ti­fic­ate when your pock­ets are full, when you haven’t nearly died (which I have),

when you haven’t lost your teef (which I have),

when you haven’t been sec­tioned (which I have),

when your stom­ach has­n’t exploded inside of you (which mine has),

when you haven’t fallen onto train tracks and split your head open (which I have) and when you don’t have Type 1 Dia­betes  (which I do).

The list is end­less and all I’ve ever wanted to do is change the lives of all of us, for the better.

I’ve seen and met more misery than I care to share. Good for me, or a shame for me. You’ll all be the judges.  By the way, I’m only 30 years old.

But I feel that people who feel com­fort­able,  aren’t up for all that non­sense. I’m a post­man. I deliv­er people’s unwanted bills every day and everything I’ve explained is why I’d like an non­vi­ol­ent revolu­tion. For all of us.

I’m truly speak­ing from embittered exper­i­ence here.

I just want change for all of us and luck­ily, I’ve still got the drive to make it happen.

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.

Tom Fealy

Tom is a freel­ance film­maker and works in TV pro­duc­tion. He is also a plac­ti­cine cat. Tom is inter­ested in social and polit­ic­al issues and and plans to use his know­ledge of film pro­duc­tion to explore them to make changes for the bet­ter. As well as telling the story of that little known plac­ti­cine cat. Get in touch @raggamuffinfilms on Twit­ter to collaborate

About Tom Fealy

Tom is a freelance filmmaker and works in TV production. He is also a placticine cat. Tom is interested in social and political issues and and plans to use his knowledge of film production to explore them to make changes for the better. As well as telling the story of that little known placticine cat. Get in touch @raggamuffinfilms on Twitter to collaborate