Warm and com­fort­ing, Brother­Beatz will wrap you up in cozy melod­ies and smooth rhythms. Light and easy-going, you’ll settle into his soft blanket of sound, hand-woven and layered with son­ic com­plex­ity. Draw­ing audi­ences in with allur­ing hooks, his music is metic­u­lously designed to cre­ate a rich pal­let of sound.

Brother­Beatz dis­covered music early on, and ever since ele­ment­ary school, he has grav­it­ated toward it. Mes­mer­ized by learn­ing instru­ments like the record­er, Brother­Beatz began fol­low­ing this pas­sion. In high school, he audi­tioned in San Ant­o­nio for Cross­men, a world-class, com­pet­ing drum corps and accep­ted at age 15 as a trum­pet play­er. Brother­Beatz held his own, per­form­ing along­side the best of the best. Spe­cial­iz­ing in per­form­ance study, he went on to major in the music pro­gram at Texas A&M. His edu­ca­tion in music sets him apart from oth­er artists. While many rap­pers focus on the drums in their tracks, Brother­Beatz brings a strong melody to the fore­front of his songs.

Over the course of his career, Brother­Beatz developed his own niche and shap­ing his style from a col­lec­tion of interests. Texas-raised, he enjoys a bit of that good ol’ coun­try sound, but the music he cre­ates is primar­ily focused on a trap rap style. Brother­Beatz appre­ci­ates artists who come from a pro­duc­tion back­ground, and he takes a sim­il­ar approach when devel­op­ing his own beats. Work­ing behind the scenes, he elev­ates tracks to a dif­fer­ent level son­ic­ally, cre­at­ing a well-roun­ded aud­it­ory experience.

Writ­ing from emo­tion, his songs stand on their own—genuine, organ­ic, and pure. Brother­Beatz allows his sound to wash over listen­ers, leav­ing it open for them to find their own mean­ing in the work. Brother­Beatz is build­ing momentum adding to his cata­log and col­lab­or­at­ing with A‑game artists in the industry.

Con­nect with Brother­Beatz on IG @thebrotherbeatz

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!