Little Bad­man and friends return in a second hil­ari­ous action-packed adven­ture.  They’ve faced deadly ali­en slugs, killer aunties and double maths. Now Humza Kahn and his friend Umer face some­thing even scar­i­er – Humza’s dad! And he’s send­ing them away to Sum­mer School in Pakistan!  Here, the two friends are about to learn, that some­thing very weird is going on – evil teach­ers, killer robots and someone has been mess­ing with time  —  The world may just need sav­ing again!

LITTLE BAD­MAN, is a funny and fast-paced adven­ture story cre­ated by com­edy duo Humza Arshad and Henry White and with illus­tra­tions from Aleksei Bit­skoff. Full of mis­chief, sil­li­ness and with a delight­ful cast of char­ac­ters the series is sure to appeal to fans of Dav­id Wal­li­ams and Dav­id Baddiel.

Humza Arshad is one of the UK’s most pop­u­lar and import­ant Brit­ish Asi­an per­son­al­it­ies. After gradu­at­ing from Rich­mond Drama School Arshad wrote, dir­ec­ted and edited an epis­ode called Diary of a Bad­man. Over 90 mil­lion views of the series later, Humza became the first Brit­ish You­Tuber to have his own scrip­ted com­edy series on BBC Three in the mock­u­ment­ary series Coconut. Equally import­ant to Humza has been using his influ­ence and com­edy for a great­er pur­pose. In 2015, Humza partnered with the UK Counter Ter­ror­ism Unit and he is YouTube’s first ambas­sad­or for the Cre­at­ors for Change cam­paign. Humza has spoken and shared the stage with the likes of Will Smith, You­Tube CEO Susan Woj­cicki, Kev­in Hart and Whoopi Gold­berg.   @HumzaProduction

 Henry White is a com­edy writer work­ing in tele­vi­sion and children’s fic­tion. He grew up in west Lon­don and began his career in online anim­a­tion. Henry went on to write and dir­ect adverts for a num­ber of Brit­ish com­edy chan­nels, before work­ing as a sit­com writer.

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Mark Mukasa

Mark is a South Lon­don based writer and avid fan of all things hip hop. He’s also an MMA and his­tory enthu­si­ast who tries to keep his love of animé under wraps.

About Mark Mukasa

Mark is a South London based writer and avid fan of all things hip hop. He's also an MMA and history enthusiast who tries to keep his love of anime under wraps.