Inlight­en Music Group present Soulrac’s latest single/video “Black­face” of his new album ‘Soulploit­a­tion.’  “Black­face” is pro­duced by multi-tal­en­ted inter­na­tion­al pro­du­cer Big Bob of Élite Sound International.

It’s been nearly 200 years since white per­formers first star­ted paint­ing their faces black to mock enslaved Afric­ans in min­strel shows across the United States. It was racist and offens­ive then, and it’s still racist and offens­ive today. By dis­tort­ing the fea­tures and cul­ture of Afric­an Amer­ic­ans includ­ing their looks, lan­guage, dance, deport­ment, and char­ac­ter; white Amer­ic­ans were able to codi­fy white­ness across class and geo­pol­it­ic­al lines as its anti­thes­is. Black­face and the codi­fy­ing of black­ness, lan­guage, move­ment, deport­ment, and char­ac­ter, like a cari­ca­ture, per­sists through mass media and in pub­lic per­form­ances today. Join the move­ment by shar­ing the #erase­black­face hasht­ag on social media to bring aware­ness to this issue.

‘Soulploit­a­tion’ is an EP that’s remin­is­cent of the Golden Era of Hip Hop and the Black Power move­ment because it verb­al­izes the dilem­mas we face as a soci­ety. Like the music from Blax­ploit­a­tion films, it ser­en­ades its listen­ers with soul­ful and thought-pro­vok­ing lyr­ics and music. Watch “Black­face” and con­nect with Soulrac below.


Soulrac (Car­los Dukes)  was born and raised in Orlando, Flor­ida dur­ing the Golden Era of Hip Hop which influ­enced his music­al palette and cre­ativ­ity. His upbring­ing shaped his thought pro­cess and motiv­ated him to address the social injustices he wit­nessed through­out his life.  An envir­on­ment where Mass Incar­cer­a­tion, Police Bru­tal­ity, Gentri­fic­a­tion, etc were the norm.  As a youth, he star­ted scrib­bling rhymes in his note­pad and rap­ping became a means of expres­sion.  An expres­sion he used when they would battle rap by free­styl­in dur­ing lunch and after school as a means of recre­ation.  Soulrac defines his music as “Music for the Soul” and his name is derived from his first name being spelled back­ward with an extra O.

Twit­ter: @Soulrac Music


Ins­tagram: @Soulrac Music


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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!