Tribe­ca-Grand, lyr­ic­ally mastered and icon­ic Hip Hop duo, present their latest album titled “Sport of the Gods”.  The ten track line-up is avail­able now on all digit­al stream­ing plat­forms and CD.


“Sport of the Gods” rep­res­ents the true essence of Hip Hop not­ably the lyr­i­cism and storytelling in Boom Bap’s truest form.  The first track off the album “NY-PHI” can be coined as the next arena size chanted anthem on the East Coast.  The record is also sym­bol­ic as Tribe­ca and Grand rep­res­ent two dif­fer­ent bor­oughs and two dif­fer­ent states, but are bon­ded in a lyr­ic­al brotherhood.

Although the album only dropped a couple of weeks ago, one of the records is already being cel­eb­rated in France, Italy, Ger­many, Italy, Neth­er­lands, and Poland.  “Let’s All Get Funky” is a let loose, fun record that all walks of life can kick back and vibe along with.  It is also going down in the his­tory books for unit­ing those coun­tries that some lead­ers have dili­gently been try­ing to divide.


Tribe­ca-Grand have claimed their stance in Hip Hop and hold the highest respect from oth­er major artists, peers, and fans.  “Sui­cide Rhymer”, anoth­er record off the album, bar for bar tells that story with no skits or cock­i­ness, just three and a half minutes of bod­ied punchlines!

“I put my life on the line, don’t go no patience nor the time, recline lazy boys get left behind”

“Sport of the Gods” undeni­ably will be anoth­er notch for the duo to add to their count­less accol­ades includ­ing col­lege and FM radio chart top­pers, inter­na­tion­al tours, and col­lab­or­a­tions with oth­er Hip Hop icon­ic pioneers.

Listen and stream “Sport of the Gods” below.

“Sport of the Gods” Stream­ing Plat­form Links

Tribe­ca-Grand Release Party Per­form­ance at Ard­more Music Hall

“Let’s All Get Funky” EU Remixes

Fol­low Tribeca-Grand 


Offi­cial Website

Con­tact Phat Gary for all inquir­ies at 



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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!