From an inmate to entre­pren­eur, act­or, radio per­son­al­ity, and emcee; Pharaoh Rising has made a world­wide name and buzz for himself.

In his recent pro­ject titled ‘Supreme Bal­ance­ment’ Pharaoh dis­plays his uncanny ver­sat­il­ity with impec­cable flows and rhyme schemes remin­is­cent of authen­t­ic, clas­sic Hip Hop. The first song “Changes” cov­ers the chaot­ic Hip Hop cycles that repeat every dec­ade. The dance hall hit, “Lean on Me” encom­passes the full appre­ci­ation of a good woman. “No Mat­ter What” is a street banger for those who still head nod to boom-bap. “Panties on the Floor” was tail­or-made exclus­ively for the clubs and poles, while “Buck­wild” is a cel­eb­ra­tion of life and embra­cing free­dom. The pro­ject ends with “Think About It”, a reflec­tion of the world we want to ignore, and a remind­er that our past, present, and future are connected.

When he’s not full throttle in the stu­dio, Pharaoh can be seen on Tylor The Creator’s Car­toon, “The Jel­lies”, “Diary of a Bad­man”, and the Under­ground Urb­an web series by Bran­chout Pro­duc­tions titled “The Ninth Pawn.” As a co-host on Re-Vis­ion Radio, Pharaoh guides listen­ers through mul­tiple dimen­sions, ali­en inva­sions, gov­ern­ment con­spir­acies, and rules of the mat­rix. If that isn’t enough hats, Pharaoh is also co-own­er of Nat­ur­al Nature Herbs (, based on the heal­ing tra­di­tion of Dr. Sebi and wife Maa of the Fig Tree.

Pharaoh Rising is a prom­ising breath of fresh air and a major staple in the music industry, Hip Hop cul­ture, along with hol­ist­ic and over well­ness. Be sure to stream/purchase his cata­log of music and his latest EP ‘Supreme Bal­ance­ment.’

Con­nect with Pharaoh Rising on Twit­ter | Face­book | Ins­tagram @pharaohrising

Web­site –

You­Tube Chan­nel —


Watch “Buck­wild” & “No Mat­ter What’ off Pharaoh’s ‘Supreme Bal­ance­ment’ EP


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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!