Luca Brassy announces the upcom­ing release of “The Amer­ic­an Dream” Volume 1: Let­ter on the Table.  This Inter­na­tion­al Affair will be released on May 14th, 2019 on all major stream­ing platforms.

Letter on the table flyer

The seasoned artist and NY nat­ive, has gone abroad and through­out the states to enlist an élite group of musi­cians for the mix­tape series.  Artists hail from West, Cent­ral, and South Africa to North Car­o­lina, Cali­for­nia, New York, Rhode Island, Ohio, and Michigan.


“Each volume of the mix­tapes will con­vey a new theme from diverse artists and emcees. I’m excited to announce, the latest altern­at­ive dat­ing site is spon­sor­ing the mix­tape series.” ‑Luca Brassy


For those not famil­i­ar with the site, their mis­sion is to cre­ate a social atmo­sphere where any­one can come and be accep­ted on their jour­ney to find a part­ner, espe­cially those suf­fer­ing from lifelong con­di­tions. The developers believe that every­one should have the oppor­tun­ity to be happy and find love, so stop wor­ry­ing, start dat­ing, live happy, and be free with!


The debut mix­tape of the series “Let­ter on the Table” deliv­ers multi-genre records with fused sound­scapes of R&B, clas­sic Hip-Hop, Soul, Pop, and Reg­gae. Each artist was hand selec­ted by Brassy to ensure a lyr­ic­al masterpiece.


“It’s the dream of all involved to reach the masses and we are ready to do what it takes to reach what we like to call…“The Amer­ic­an Dream”…POW! ‑Luca Brassy

American Dream vol. 1 cover

American Dream vol. 1 back cover

Watch the Luca Brassy’s Amer­ic­an Dream Documentary

Fol­low Luca Brassy Face­bookTwit­ter/ Ins­tagramYou­tubeWeb


About Luca Brassy 

Born & raised in New York, USA, Luca Brassy, has been build­ing a repu­ta­tion in the Tri-State area as one of the hot­test emcees in the region. His jour­ney star­ted in enter­tain­ment through pro­fes­sion­al wrest­ling at age 13. By 16, he was run­ning his own pro­fes­sion­al wrest­ling train­ing cen­ter. Luca Brassy dis­covered his love for writ­ing & music in 2004 and met Jgreen Moneytalkz who has been pro­du­cing his music ever since. The mul­ti­fa­ceted artist and emcee has per­formed at numer­ous cit­ies and states includ­ing Schenectady, Albany, Glens Falls, Ams­ter­dam, Rochester, Pitt­s­field, Pitt­s­burgh, Mas­sachu­setts, Buf­falo, New­port Rhode Island, Brook­lyn, Bronx NY, Man­hat­tan, Staten Island, Ard­more PA, Uni­on­town Alabama, Birm­ing­ham, Atlanta GA, Mar­shall NC, among oth­ers while open­ing up for Hip-Hop legends includ­ing Rakim and Lil Kim. Luca Brassy is now mov­ing in a new dir­ec­tion with his music and put­ting his old school lyr­ic­al men­tal­ity to use with his club vibe which has brought him a whole new fan base as well as a dif­fer­ent kind of recog­ni­tion. Luca was recently signed to Sony RED where he released 2 singles “Like That” and “3000” (pro­duced by Young­lord) and runs his own pod­cast every Sunday — called Brassy’s World.


Luca Brassy is proudly pro­moted in SA by Slight Edge Media & Pro­mo­tions.

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!