Grand Groove Unlim­ited Records announces the release of their latest pro­ject titled “Grand Groove Unleashed”. The album, which hosts a vari­ety of skilled first-rate Artists includ­ing Boo­gie Black, Vet­er­an Jeff Redd, B Smooth, Vic­tor Daze, Pet­awane, John Jigg$, Spark Ezy, Relly Waterz, and Addictt is avail­able now on all digit­al stream­ing platforms.

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The album is a time­less and innov­at­ive col­lect­ive that fans of all genres can rev­el in.  Listen­ing to the album will tran­scend listen­ers onto a jour­ney begin­ning with the euphor­ic sounds of the 70’s, com­posed jazz and funk mix­tures, clas­sic Hip Hop and R&B, and cul­min­at­ing through today’s mod­ern anim­ated sounds and beats.

“Get’ Em”, the para­mount single off the album by Boo­gie Black and Jeff Redd, defines how elec­tri­fy­ing music can be.  This single will meta­morph­ose any­thing into a dance floor and all bod­ies into move and groove mode.  Boo­gie Black deliv­ers anoth­er cut a rug record, “New York Party Sounds Like This” fea­tur­ing Ron Browz.  This one is an ode to New York, the mecca cap­it­ol of the world. Boo­gie men­tions the essen­tial land­marks, deep rooted bor­oughs, and of course the grat­i­fy­ing rooftops. Both records are amp­li­fied by pulsa­tions of Boo­gie Nights meets Fast and Furious.

Relly Waterz and Addictt con­trib­ute records for the new­er gen­er­a­tion; music to bounce to while sip­ping Cîroc at the club. “Oragami” and “Saucy” are fun tracks that rel­ish in their come up, “from chick­en to sushi”.  B. Smooth and Boo­gie Black also offer a turn up record titled “We Came to Get Down”, with more of a robot­ic and futur­ist­ic sound over a rhym­ing flow.  “Talk My Shit” by Spark Ezy takes the cake with an incred­ible mix of Clash of the Titans and club beats over Ezy going in on fals­i­fied rappers.

John Jigg$ is known for his mic drop punch­lines and “Nights Like This” is no excep­tion. Bar for bar he high­lights a young Jigg$ who vis­ions his name in bright lights, to cur­rent time of burn­ing stage bulbs worldwide.

B Smooth, Vic­tor Daze, and Peterwane take listen­ers back to that feel good, soul grabbing R&B.  “Game Over”, Waste of My Time”, “Cheated”, “I Apo­lo­gize”, and “You’re the One” are genu­ine records about love and heart­break.  Smooth, Daze, and Peterwane haven’t lost sight of grant­ing listen­ers a taste of their smooth and pas­sion­ate sides.

The album con­cludes with a party mix of “Get’Em”, which embod­ies every dec­ade of the finest music.

Stream “Grand Groove Unleashed” below.

About Grand Groove Unlim­ited Records

Grand Groove is a record label which focuses on what is sig­ni­fic­ant ; invest­ing in music as well as the the tal­en­ted artists that cre­ate it. The label believes in cre­at­ing a col­lab­or­at­ive and innov­at­ive envir­on­ment where artists can thrive and reach their max­im­um poten­tial  in a stress free atmosphere.


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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!