NEWS |Social Media & YouTube Rising Star Rhino @RyaBurton Has A Message For His Fans

Ryan Bur­ton, known in the world of Social Media Influ­en­cing as Rhino, has a com­pel­ling mes­sage for young view­ers. In a world where adoles­cents and young adults feel alone with nowhere to turn or pos­it­ive aven­ues to frol­ic or par­take in, Rhino offers an out­let of laughter and comedy.

“I make videos about real world things that most people can relate to. I like mak­ing young teens feel like they are not alone. Mak­ing these videos gives me a ful­filling sense of purpose”

Rhino receives an over­flow of fan mail daily, iron­ic­ally most of that mail is from par­ents express­ing their grat­it­ude for spark­ing new light into their chil­dren.  What truly keeps him going and mov­ing for­ward are the words from his young fans who are no longer suc­cumbed to signs of depres­sion or oth­er men­tal health related concerns.

Rhino has been a mag­net to the cam­era since a very young age.  Once he entered middle school and grasped all the atten­tion and love from his peers, he declared his des­tiny.  Cur­rently as a seni­or at Drexel Uni­ver­sity he has over 270K fol­low­ers and 2.5 mil­lion You­Tube chan­nel sub­scribers and eyes and ears open from Atlantic Records for brand deals.  Rhino also has his own eye on set on tele­vi­sion and the big screen!

With a taste of the lime­light from Sneaker­Con, per­son­al meet and greets, event tours, and thou­sands of signed auto­graphs, Rhino’s jour­ney has just begun!


Fol­low Ryan and Sub­scribe below

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!