Hip Hop Artist, Song Writer, and Producer Gmoneypayroll releases 20-track album entitled “The Ghost of Biggie.”

The Cam­den, NJ indie G.O.A.T enlists a selec­tion of élite artists includ­ing Porta Rich, Shorty Dope, T Sab­ot­age, Tech, Norf Boi, Twonn, Snugglez, King Shinche, Hanibul Hect, Ms Kesh, La Lito da Don, Maine Toast, See the Hustle, DJ Mista Good­barz, Sen­city Muz­ic, Fa-Milli, and Mis­tr Fra­zi­er for a pol­ished and mastered piece of epic Hip-Hop.

“The Ghost of Big­gie” gives listen­ers a no-skip track exper­i­ence brim­ming with ingeni­ous word­play, storytelling, motion pic­ture fused records, street, and club anthems, trib­utes, and of course Grade‑A bars. Retro sets the album off and lets the world know that GMoney Payroll is raw, uncut, and emerged from tri­als and tribu­la­tions to cut­ting checks and cel­eb­rat­ing success.

Count­ing Money Daily is Camden’s famed anthem that proves crit­ics and stat­ist­ics wrong. The under­rated city holds lyr­ic­al crowns to many who col­lect bags not in lieu of drugs, viol­ence, or guns, but in way of mics, stages, and word­smith tal­ents. In the Trenches val­id­ates the anthem and GMoney’s abil­ity to win while tread­ing through the trenches, mov­ing fur­ther away from feds and closer to the prize.

I Remem­ber, a more soul­ful track blen­ded with mod­ern cadences and chilling piano keys recalls being without, being coun­ted out, and absorb­ing pain dur­ing the rain. But through it all GMoney stood tall and rose above the simple life. Life is Good piggy­backs that theme, and cel­eb­rates his 247 grind, earned suc­cess, and even the shad­ow of clout chasers.

Nev­er Go Broke jus­ti­fies GMoney’s determ­in­a­tion and motiv­a­tion which is his fam­ily. His plan is simple, to devise a game plan, execute, and nev­er look back. Luci­cious Lyon exudes a cos­mic vibe with a gran­di­ose mes­sage. GMoney is far from aver­age and refers to him­self as a sav­age, a bad boy mov­ing in silence while eye­ing his prey.  That prey, or d*ckriders, clout chasers, and basic snakes get addressed in Say Dat. GMoney is on and ready to go, will these broke boys step up to the plate and level up?

Cuffin’ Sea­son and Just Me & You are records for the ladies. GMoney has no qualms of wear­ing his heart on his sleeve for the right woman. The tracks shed hope that authen­t­ic love and blessed uni­ons do exist. He keeps his bride on a ped­es­tal to cel­eb­rate her real­ness and stick­ing by his side. Thank You Mom will water eyes as GMoney pays trib­ute to his first queen, his moth­er.  He cred­its her for mold­ing him into the man he is today.

Fly Around Me is a fun track to get bottles pop­pin’, bring in the ladies, and show off fly­ness while the com­pet­i­tion takes a seat on the side­lines. Bring it Back reit­er­ates that but in more of a stern fash­ion. GMoney has been bossed up since young­er days and as the Jer­sey G.O.A.T, he demands respect.  Fat People Rule, although a bit of comed­ic humor, pays homage to greats like Pun, Big­gie, and Heavy D. Right­fully tailored and sur­roun­ded by belly chasers, GMoney shares those perks…

Sub­lim­in­al although it serves as the album’s inter­lude, is one of the most power­ful tracks. GMoney declares his stance and reign not only in the music scene but in life. His accom­plish­ments cease all sub­lim­in­al from Sound­Cloud rap­pers who mumble to earn likes and views. Crabs in a Bar­rell redefines GMoney’s destined path to great­ness and reas­sures that no one can pull him down from his climb. Feel­ing Like Rocky intens­i­fies his motiv­a­tion. With his eyes on the tiger, he is not back­track­ing as it is not an option. His bars reflect lay­ing in a hos­pit­al bed to cur­at­ing bill­board hits in the lab.

I’m Win­ning sums up GMoney’s inde­pend­ent suc­cess with no con­tract sig­na­tures. While oth­ers are declin­ing, he is win­ning and while oth­ers are chilling, he is rising. Help depicts the irony of days when GMoney tried to ask for help but was left without. Today he can look back on those days while brows­ing through his music cata­log, col­lect­ing checks, and sip­ping cham­pagne with his ride or die.

“The Ghost of Big­gie” is over­flow­ing with eclect­ic tones, a kal­eido­scope of pulsat­ing tones, and the per­fect blend of old meets new. Piano keys, thumb­ing bass, along with strik­ing drums drive the album and height­en the raw emo­tions and top-notch lyr­i­cism from GMoney Payroll.  Stream “The Ghost of Big­gie” and con­nect with GMoney Payroll below.

Con­nect with Gmoneypayroll 


The Ghost of Big­gie on Amazon  

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!