Gil­lateen and Frank Grizzly announce the release of ‘CANY’, a NY meets Toronto emcee/producer col­lab­or­at­ive. The 12-track pro­ject is pro­duced entirely by Grizzly with cuts and scratches by DJ TMB and DJ Goad­man.

Gil­lateen shows off his mastered word­play, storytelling, and quick-wit­ted punch­lines for what can be con­sidered an epic piece of time­less Hip Hop. Intro, with strik­ing drums and a melod­ic flow of instru­ments, sets a some­what hyp­not­ic tone for the album. Run serves as a high energy, hard track to lace up Nik­es and run. Wheth­er you have guns, are hop­ping fences, act­ing relent­lessly in the trenches, or strolling curb­side, no one is safe from police.  Last Breath is a more gritty track with vein pier­cing piano keys to mag­ni­fy Gillateen’s declar­a­tion to Hip Hop and his onward jour­ney to the prom­ised land.

Red Curry ignites street heat with thump­ing bass and worldly sound­scapes. Gil­lateen depicts the diverse badges of ‘red curry’, from doing time and los­ing your mind, and to a forced grind and flossed shine. No For­give­ness gives off a slightly eer­ie vibe accen­tu­at­ing on life stressors and the greazy streets. Gil­lateen just might be the last man stand­ing to sur­vive the jungle.

Louie, infused with smooth jazz, is Gillateen’s ode to street sur­viv­al know­ledge, mafioso life­style, and the rule­book of money. Real­ity piggy­backs off that theme and embod­ies the harsh truths of con­crete slabs. What you think will get you out of the hood won’t, you must walk a fine line minus the reck­less­ness.

Sick­ones defines Gillateen’s style and flows with con­sist­ent, ingeni­ous punch­lines over clas­sic cuts and scratches. He reas­sures the scene that his reign is incom­par­able. Life Scars strikes with chilling piano keys as Gil­lateen describes a tough come up with ever­last­ing scars. If your body doesn’t serve as a braille auto­bi­o­graphy, you’re clean and not real as you suf­fice.

Cany Do It is filled with gems to back Gillateen’s stance in Hip Hop. His rhymes are suck­er free, gim­mick-free, not fab­ric­ated, and won’t con­fuse. Because the game needs him, there’s no room for losses. King Gully exudes that clas­sic, boom bap vibe and is per­fect for relax­ing and kick­ing back. Just turn up the beat, head nod, and listen to the ‘king’ slay pre­ten­tious rap­pers.

Outro takes ‘CANY’ out with a kal­eido­scope of instru­ment­al cadences, thump­ing bass, and clap­ping drums sure to have Hip Hop enthu­si­asts ready to rewind and replay. The album is a no skip gem brim­ming with New York gritty tracks with top-notch pro­duc­tion that height­ens Gillateen’s raw emo­tion and impec­cable lyr­i­cism.

Stream ‘CANY’ and con­nect with Gil­lateen @gillateen101 on Ins­tagram


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MJ Savino

MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the cul­ture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ Savino
MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!