Gil­lateen and Frank Grizzly announce the release of ‘CANY’, a NY meets Toronto emcee/producer col­lab­or­at­ive. The 12-track pro­ject is pro­duced entirely by Grizzly with cuts and scratches by DJ TMB and DJ Goadman.

Gil­lateen shows off his mastered word­play, storytelling, and quick-wit­ted punch­lines for what can be con­sidered an epic piece of time­less Hip Hop. Intro, with strik­ing drums and a melod­ic flow of instru­ments, sets a some­what hyp­not­ic tone for the album. Run serves as a high energy, hard track to lace up Nik­es and run. Wheth­er you have guns, are hop­ping fences, act­ing relent­lessly in the trenches, or strolling curb­side, no one is safe from police.  Last Breath is a more gritty track with vein pier­cing piano keys to mag­ni­fy Gillateen’s declar­a­tion to Hip Hop and his onward jour­ney to the prom­ised land.

Red Curry ignites street heat with thump­ing bass and worldly sound­scapes. Gil­lateen depicts the diverse badges of ‘red curry’, from doing time and los­ing your mind, and to a forced grind and flossed shine. No For­give­ness gives off a slightly eer­ie vibe accen­tu­at­ing on life stressors and the greazy streets. Gil­lateen just might be the last man stand­ing to sur­vive the jungle.

Louie, infused with smooth jazz, is Gillateen’s ode to street sur­viv­al know­ledge, mafioso life­style, and the rule­book of money. Real­ity piggy­backs off that theme and embod­ies the harsh truths of con­crete slabs. What you think will get you out of the hood won’t, you must walk a fine line minus the recklessness.

Sick­ones defines Gillateen’s style and flows with con­sist­ent, ingeni­ous punch­lines over clas­sic cuts and scratches. He reas­sures the scene that his reign is incom­par­able. Life Scars strikes with chilling piano keys as Gil­lateen describes a tough come up with ever­last­ing scars. If your body doesn’t serve as a braille auto­bi­o­graphy, you’re clean and not real as you suffice.

Cany Do It is filled with gems to back Gillateen’s stance in Hip Hop. His rhymes are suck­er free, gim­mick-free, not fab­ric­ated, and won’t con­fuse. Because the game needs him, there’s no room for losses. King Gully exudes that clas­sic, boom bap vibe and is per­fect for relax­ing and kick­ing back. Just turn up the beat, head nod, and listen to the ‘king’ slay pre­ten­tious rappers.

Outro takes ‘CANY’ out with a kal­eido­scope of instru­ment­al cadences, thump­ing bass, and clap­ping drums sure to have Hip Hop enthu­si­asts ready to rewind and replay. The album is a no skip gem brim­ming with New York gritty tracks with top-notch pro­duc­tion that height­ens Gillateen’s raw emo­tion and impec­cable lyricism.

Stream ‘CANY’ and con­nect with Gil­lateen @gillateen101 on Instagram


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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!