Nashville, Ten­ness­ee rap­per Dee Wile announces the release of his latest single “20 Ques­tions” fea­tur­ing Willy G. This single is avail­able on major plat­forms for stream­ing and purchase.

Wile is recog­nized by major artists such as Too $hort for the all-encom­passing lanes he’s cre­ated in Hip-Hop. One of which beats to its own uncanny sound and unique lyr­i­cism.  His rhymes con­sist of humor embod­ied with sub­stance and a con­tem­por­ary niche, proven to entice listen­ers in worldwide.

“20 Ques­tions” is anoth­er record show­cas­ing the guilty pleas­ures of Wile. He pro­poses an assort­ment of ques­tions for the ladies over a sul­try, and soul­ful arrange­ment of beats. Ladies take heed, this is not for the soft at heart. Stream “20 Ques­tions” below.

About Dee Wile

Tak­ing inspir­a­tion from Down South rap legends like Dev­in the Dude and Curren$y, Dee Wile is gradu­ally build­ing word-of-mouth buzz through sev­er­al self-released mix­tapes. Wile made his debut in 2016 with “Change For a Dol­lar”, fol­lowed by “While You Wait” in 2017, 2 Piece Spicy, Chocol­ate Covered Straw­ber­ries and “Free Game” all before the mid­way point of 2018. By this point, he had begun tour­ing across the south­ern region of the United States play­ing from Jack­son, MS to Nashville, TN. Rather than sign on with a label, the tal­en­ted MC instead decided to start his own label, Feb­ru­ary’s Finest Records(F2), which he used to release his own offi­cial albums. Stream Wile’s latest mix­tape “The Quarter Ounce” here.


Con­tact Dee Wile 

Twit­ter @DeeWile4eva



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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!