Hail­ing from the south coast of Eng­land in Ports­mouth, DARK­STAR­GRAVER is an excit­ing UK rap pro­spect for 2020, who comes highly recom­men­ded if you like the hard-hit­ting sounds of Octavi­an, Skep­ta, Den­zel Curry, A$AP Rocky, or Kojey Rad­ic­al. Led by intro­duct­ory tracks ‘CodeRED’ and ‘Snakes & Lad­ders’, which were released earli­er this year to rave reviews, Burn­ing Bridges is the debut EP from the 22-year old Brit­ish Zam­bi­an rap­per, sing­er and song­writer DarkStarGraver.

While he cut his teeth and honed his skills in the south of Eng­land, and has estab­lished him­self at the fore­front of the emer­ging Hip Hop scene in Ports­mouth, Dark­Star­Graver draws his influ­ences from diverse cul­tures and back­grounds, hav­ing exper­i­enced life all over the UK in his very young 22 years, from Birm­ing­ham to Kens­al Green to Rich­mond to Glas­gow – travels and exper­i­ences which have shaped his per­spect­ive, music­al tastes and styles, as is evid­ent on his new Burn­ing Bridges EP.

Son­ic­ally, Burn­ing Bridges sees Dark­Star­Graver tak­ing an inter­na­tion­al approach, work­ing with pro­du­cers from Rus­sia, Ger­many and Amer­ica to help map out the glob­al rap sound of the record, includ­ing Min­nesota pro­du­cer P.SOUL, who has worked with YBN Cordae, Trip­pie Redd, XXXTENTA­CION, and Joey Bada$$, Rus­si­an beat­s­mith Roman RSK, whose cred­its include pro­du­cing for Nasty C, The Under­achiev­ers, and ELLEVN, and NC-based pro­du­cer Air­avata, who has worked with Ger­man chart-top­per Apache 207, French pop star Max­enss, and Venezuelan trap music fron­trun­ner Big Soto.

As for the themes the Burn­ing Bridges EP addresses, Dark­Star­Graver is vul­ner­able from the start as he dis­cusses fake love and cut­ting off dead weight on the defens­ive ‘Without A Heart’ and the EP’s title track ‘Burn­ing Bridges’, and on ‘Last One Stand­ing’, ‘Snakes & Lad­ders’ and ‘CodeRED’, he is in defi­ant self-motiv­a­tion­al mode, while ‘See­ing The Signs’ sees him learn­ing a hard les­son on trust and loy­alty, with the Ports­mouth rap artist com­ing to terms with the con­flict in his life and let­ting go on ‘Walk On By’, and find­ing the peace he needs to move for­ward on ‘Win­ning Lane’.

Speak­ing about the inspir­a­tion behind his Burn­ing Bridges EP, Dark­Star­Graver says, “this pro­ject explores the men­tal & spir­itu­al changes I went through, my per­son­al chrysal­is from light to dark, the road from chaot­ic rage into com­pas­sion & tran­quil­lity. It’s all about the paths we can take, even the track titles make ref­er­ence to this, as well as the art­work being a Japan­ese Torii Gate, which sym­bol­izes the trans­ition from the mundane into the sac­red. Around the time of writ­ing this ‘Burn­ing Bridges’ pro­ject, I came to real­ize that the people I had close to me wer­en’t on the same vibra­tion as me, when I was striv­ing for more in my life.

I’m not afraid of show­ing my deep­est vul­ner­ab­il­it­ies or being open with my emo­tions, I feel it’s import­ant to share my per­son­al truths, and while this can be intense, I want to be real with my thoughts and exper­i­ences. Mak­ing this EP was a moment of self-dis­cov­ery for me, as I had to let go of the people and things that were no longer doing any good for me, in order to serve my highest pur­pose. I had to burn a couple of bridges along the way to find peace with­in myself, this feels like a real jour­ney start to finish”.


  1. Without A Heart
  2. Burn­ing Bridges
  3. Last One Stand­ing (fea­tur­ing Frank Myth)
  4. Snakes & Ladders
  5. CodeRED
  6. See­ing The Signs
  7. Walk On By (fea­tur­ing Fatal K)
  8. Win­ning Lane



Novem­ber 29 – Fid­dlers Elbow, Lon­don, UK

Novem­ber 30 – Heart­break­ers Bar, Southamp­ton, UK

Decem­ber 2 – The Edge of the Wedge, Ports­mouth, UK

Decem­ber 3 – Cow­ley Club, Brighton, UK

Decem­ber 5 – St. George Hotel, Kent, UK

More Dates to be Confirmed








Please dir­ect all media and press inquir­ies to Ayo Ade­po­ju:

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!