Interview With Struggle Da Preacher (@StruggleDP) !

Q. You’re the first rap­per from Tyu­men in Rus­sia, how does that feel and how did that happen?

Actu­ally I’m not the first but one of the first. How­ever I am the first to have col­lab­or­ated with the majors! If 10 years ago you would tell me i would have a song with the Out­lawz i wouldn’t believe it. But i always had big goals and besides that I have my prin­ciples that don’t let me go all main­stream or sell myself.

Q. Since becom­ing an inter­na­tional rap­per has there been a growth of hip-hop and rap in Tyumen?

I left Tyu­men almost 8 years ago. I can’t say exactly what’s going on there on the rap scene how­ever I’ve noticed that rap and hip hop have changed for the worse glob­ally for the past 6–8 years. And it doesn’t depend on a region.

Q. You’ve worked with sev­eral big name rap­pers without being signed to a major label. How did this come about? How dif­fi­cult was it for you to make these connections?

Ask, and it will be giv­en to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every­one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. ( Mat­thew 7:7)
So I have been doing my best in order to achieve some­thing. I have a cloth­ing line SDP Wear, and i got a design of shirts and hood­ies with a quote of mine “OMG — On My Grind, 247″. I’m always grind­ing, that’s the only way you receive some­thing. But yeah hav­ing worked with Bizarre D12, Young Noble Out­law and Yuk­mouth Lun­iz means a lot to me for they were my her­oes back when I was a teen.

Q. Out of the artist you’ve worked with which has had the biggest influ­ence on you and why?

Hard to say. But i guess Yuk­mouth and Young Noble. I remem­ber banging that Tri­logy CD in 2006 by Thug Lordz, a group of Yuk­mouth, C‑BO and Spice 1. And I loved every single track on it. It had nev­er happened before with any oth­er CD. But of course Noble is a big influ­ence for he is a part of the legendary Tupac Shakur’s group The Outlawz.

Q. What’s the advant­ages and dis­ad­vant­ages of being unsigned?

Being unsigned you can’t bank on any one but your­self. You have to be a lyr­i­cist, beat­maker, pro­du­cer, web design­er, dir­ector, edit­or etc etc. But that’s when you learn, that’s when you become more skill­ful and that’s when you can feel how suc­cess tastes. But of course being a signed artists releases you from all that stuff. You got any staff mem­ber you need for whatever you need.
Q. You’re a co-pro­du­cer and appeared in the film “Spider Man Death”. What’s the film about?
That’s a story about one’s con­science. What is right, what is wrong? Would be good for you what is good for me? Those kind of questions…

Q. Is film mak­ing a dream of yours or some­thing which has nat­ur­ally come about? Can we expect more films from you?

Most def­in­itely. I got a couple of scripts writ­ten. One of them is called Word’s Can’t Describe. A hood drama about loy­alty and the way it can ruin you sometimes.
Q. Does the film-mak­ing con­trib­ute to the pro­duc­tion of your music videos or vice-versa?
Well, sort of. I come up with my music videos as if they were small movies. And I’ve been always driv­en by that. Let’s take my latest videos — All I Got and I Wanna Get It Badly, they are one story divided into two music videos and they have their own char­ac­ters. I love film-making!

Q. Your pro­ject “Ups ‘n’ Downs” has come out. What does ‘Ups ‘n’ Downs” mean and what does the pro­ject mean?

Ups’n’Downs is simple our rises and falls. Back in 2008 when i came up with the name for the album I thought it would be a double CD, one would rep­res­ent Ups and the oth­er Downs. It took me 6 years to come up with it, but I’m glad I took that much time so I was con­fid­ent that the album is exactly what I want to hear!

Q. What are you look­ing to do with the pro­ject? Videos? Tour?

There are videos for 3 songs from the album are out on VEVO and yes i’d love to make a video for almost every song off the album. In Octo­ber I’ll be think­ing on a tour which would include the US too.

Q. Who are your top 5 rappers?

I don’t have tops or favor­ites but if you want me to bring you names they would be DMX, Mr. Crim­inal, The Out­lawz, Yuk­mouth and Styles P or Jadakiss.

Q. What’s next from Struggle Da Preacher?

My Book. The Book Of Exper­i­ence with lots of quotes and my story. Highly recom­men­ded to everyone!

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Digit­al Mar­ket­ing and You­Tube chan­nel man­ager who loves that good hip-hop.

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About Aaron3000

Digital Marketing and YouTube channel manager who loves that good hip-hop.

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