Interview | Legendary Tazmania Talks New Music, Hip Hop Icons, & What’s Next @sizzlejimi

Legendary Tazmania has been deep rooted in the music scene dat­ing back to his teen­age years. He can recall the late legend Easy‑E bring­ing him to his very first con­cert which of MC Breed and DJ Quick.  Born and raised on the south side of Chica­go, he was up rooted at age thir­teen to Los Angeles where music forever changed his life. He signed his first record deal in 1992 and released hit after hit. As he enhanced his craft and pro­gressed in his career, he had the oppor­tun­ity to tour the globe with major artists Mike Jones, Beat Nuts, Dilated Peoples, Eve, and more. To date he holds a lengthy cata­log of music and hasn’t stopped yet.

” I believe in the words that Guru once told me, “keep spit­ting because you are what they need”

MJ: Thank you for tak­ing time away from cre­at­ing music for this inter­view. Let’s take it back to your young­er years.  Do you think your career would have taken a dif­fer­ent dir­ec­tion if you and your fam­ily didn’t move to Los Angeles?

Taz: Thank you for hav­ing me, and yes, it def­in­itely would have been dif­fer­ent.  I wouldn’t have met the people that actu­ally made me love Hip-Hop like Skoolz, who let me have my first speak­ing role on a song.  Also Yomo and Markel who are Ruth­less Records artists and their album “Burn Old Glory”, and I can’t leave out my rela­tion­ship with the Bell’s of New Edi­tion or how the Kinky Boys helped me to be ori­gin­al in my approach when it comes to cre­at­ing music.

MJ: Talk about that con­cert that Easy‑E took you to. As a young by that must have been an adren­aline rush to experience.

Taz:  It was I was on top of the world! To see everything up close was life chan­ging, even though DJ Quick thought we were Crips because we were in blue…but Eazy smoothed it over.

MJ: In 1992 you released your first pro­ject “Come Say Hi to The Bad Guy”.  It can be mind-blow­ing to look back at your very first single or pro­ject. What would you say to that young Taz?

Taz: I would say don’t be so full of your­self, work hard and party later.

MJ:  From that you star­ted your own rap group and label, which became a staple for Cali Hip Hop, and opened up some major doors for you. Share some of that with us.

Taz: Yeah being part of a group was cool it give me a chance to see oth­er point of views and to remain humble in the face of so many egos. It also gave me the oppor­tun­ity to meet a wide range of artists such as Out­cast, Luda, and oth­ers. It gives you a sense of pro­fes­sion­al­ism you need to have to live up to.

MJ: You’ve shared the stage with a hand­ful of major artists and key play­ers in the industry.  What stands out the most from those experiences?

Taz: I would say my chance meet­ing with Jay‑Z in Stock­holm along with Mr. Hayes, may he rest in peace, he was like a ment­or for a short time. Meet­ing War­ren G and his uncle Ron G was also life chan­ging when they saw me per­form over­seas and let me know I had worth in the music scene.

 MJ: Let’s bring fans up to speed now. You’ve released a lengthy cata­log of music through­out recent years.  Talk about your style and flow and how as an artist you have pro­gressed and evolved from each project.

Taz: I have always looked at this busi­ness as an ever-chan­ging one, and as an artist you must evolve with the times.  My flow is one of a kind, and smoothed out with a con­scious real­ism.  I am a product of my envir­on­ment with a world-wide sense of my people and the hab­it­at we live.  But some­times I like to make light of those differences.

MJ: What’s hot right now with Taz? Talk about your latest single “Flash Flood”. Also give us some inside scoop on upcom­ing pro­jects or collaborations.

Taz: Yeah it’s com­ing out later this month.  It was pro­duced by Syn­thet­ic, who made a fire track about get­ting rich quick dreams we all have at some point. The rest you will have to wait until it’s released, can’t give it all away…My latest single “Vinus” is the sh*t! It’s a shout out to all women of the world and how in their grace and beauty have made me feel that there’s always an unspoken mean­ing to someone special.

MJ: When it comes to influ­ences, wheth­er it be music­ally or per­son­ally, who do you credit?

Taz: Wow that’s a hard one.  I actu­ally try to stay away from any­one else’s style, but some think I’m sim­il­ar to T.I. But I think there is no oth­er to cred­it for my style.

MJ: As we wrap up is there any­thing else you want the world to know about Taz?

Taz: Yeah, no one will give a bet­ter live per­form­ance than Taz. Be on the lookout for my new album “Paper Cuts”, I prom­ise I will do everything in my power to make it ground­break­ing for my fans!

Click here to stream “Vinus”

Fol­low Taz @SizzleJimi 

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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!