Eric D. Har­ris, known in the music and enter­tain­ment industry as Emacc, announces the launch of his record label Emac­cu­lent Enter­tain­ment. Since a child Emacc had aspir­a­tions to become a suc­cess­ful busi­ness man in Hollywood.

“There was some­thing about the whole life­style, the places, the per­son­al­it­ies, and even down to the Hol­ly­wood scandals”

He got his first taste of the scene when an agent picked him up for mod­el­ing and act­ing, that led to nation­al com­mer­cials with major brands like Nike and Ree­bok. Grow­ing up in the rough sur­round­ings of Long Beach, Cali­for­nia, Emacc developed a plan to show off and bring to the fore­front the tal­ent of so many of oth­er broth­ers and sis­ters in the same environment.

With years of gained know­ledge from ment­ors, major artists and act­ors, and oth­er entre­pren­eurs in the music and enter­tain­ment industry Emacc declared his new status as CEO of Emac­cu­lent Entertainment.

To date Emacc will be star­ring in a film called 7th & West­lake  with major Hol­ly­wood Act­or Rick Hard, co-stars Micah Fitzger­ald, Omar Good­ing, Rick Ross, Samuel Mon­roe Jr., and more. Be on the lookout for his first com­pil­a­tion album “Emac­cu­lent Com­pil­a­tion Volume 1” which fea­tures major artists such as Snoop Dog, AD, Chris Brown, OG Sui­cide, and Micah Fitzger­ald who is Hollywood’s lead­ing act­or! The com­pil­a­tion also includes first signed rap­per on Emac­cu­lent Enter­tain­ment, K.TWO.

MJ: Your resume and accol­ades speak for them­selves!  Look­ing back on that little boy who had big dreams to make it in Hol­ly­wood, what would you say to him now?

EMACC: I would say, God gave every­one a spe­cial gift, and it’s up to us to use those gifts to our advant­age. Have con­fid­ence and believe in your­self, nev­er give up until the race is over.

MJ: Giv­ing back is key when we men­tion Hip Hop and the cul­ture. How­ever, we also know how the busi­ness can be. Why was is so import­ant for you to show­case the tal­ent of up and com­ing artists?

EMACC: It’s simply the right thing to do. I wanted to give artists the oppor­tun­ity to live out their dreams and to open the door to our broken soci­ety, and in time fix the prob­lems. What someone else has attemp­ted to des­troy I’m here to rebuild.

MJ: Your first signed rap­per is K.TWO. Tell every­one a little bit about him, why he was chosen to rep­res­ent Emac­cu­lent Enter­tain­ment, and what pro­jects he has going on.

EMACC: K.TWO is actu­ally an artist I help raise. I wrote his first rap for him when he was 7‑years old. That’s when I dis­covered he had skills. I know he will be able to shine in the music industry. It’s his time to secure the bag. We have a few new pro­jects we are work­ing on. We have some big fea­tures ready to bless his new album and he’s also work­ing on a new mix tape with the help of some mega pro­du­cers in the industry. I must say it’s a bless­ing to be where we are, and I’m eager to see where we go with the guid­ance of God!

MJ: Talk about the label. Will Emac­cu­lent Enter­tain­ment be lim­ited to artists only?

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EMACC: Abso­lutely not!  I want to be involved with any­thing under the umbrella of enter­tain­ment. I want to dis­play tal­ent and also give the people what they want and demand espe­cially when it comes to down to music or put­ting on a dynam­ic show. I am work­ing every­day around the clock to cre­ate artist’s oppor­tun­it­ies to show off their tal­ents and shine.

MJ: Without giv­ing too much away, what can listen­ers expect from volume 1 of the “Emac­cu­lent Compilation”?

EMACC: A uni­ver­sal sound with a mix­ture of Hip-Hop, Rap, R&B, Pop, Trap, Rock, and Lat­in.  We dis­play a col­lab­or­a­tion of sound’s and cul­tures. I will make his­tory with this album and my label.

MJ: To make it in Hol­ly­wood you have to wear many dif­fer­ent hats, entre­pren­eur being the biggest! Do you have a pref­er­ence over act­ing, busi­ness man, mod­el­ing, and tal­ent scouting?

EMACC: I was told I am the “Moses” of my fam­ily.  I’m here to lead and help artists grow, so my pref­er­ence is I like help­ing people I real­ize I am here to help oth­er indi­vidu­als. I believe we are all King’s and Queens.

MJ: As we wrap up, is there any­thing else you would like Hol­ly­wood and the world to know about your­self and Emac­cu­lent Entertainment?

EMACC:  Be on the lookout for Emac­cu­lent Ent. Because we are com­ing to claim our stake!

Fol­low Emacc on Social Media:

Twit­ter @Emacculent_Ent

Ins­tagram @Emacculent.Ent


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MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blog­ger, Pub­li­cist, Book­ing Agent, Act­iv­ist, but fan first and fore­most. “Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture”!

About MJ Savino

MJ is Hip Hop Blogger, Publicist, Booking Agent, Activist, but fan first and foremost. "Hip Hop saved my life, it is only right I give back to the culture"!