Indigenous Peoples Issues @indigenousissue: South America, Australia, Honduras, Bangladesh, Philippines

South Amer­ica: IACHR Calls On Mem­ber States To Guar­an­tee Respect For The Human Rights Of Indi­gen­ous Peoples In Vol­un­tary Isol­a­tion And Ini­tial Contact

On occa­sion of the Inter­na­tion­al Day of the World’s Indi­gen­ous Peoples,[ August 9], the Inter-Amer­ic­an Com­mis­sion on Human Rights (IACHR) urges Mem­ber States to guar­an­tee full respect for the human rights of indi­gen­ous peoples in vol­un­tary isol­a­tion and ini­tial con­tact in the Amer­icas because they are in a situ­ation of high vul­ner­ab­il­ity. The lack of pro­tec­tion of their human rights entails a grave risk to their life and phys­ic­al, cul­tur­al and spir­itu­al integrity.

Indi­gen­ous peoples in vol­un­tary isol­a­tion and ini­tial con­tact in the Amer­icas inhab­it regions of the Amazo­ni­an jungle and the Gran Chaco in Bolivia, Brazil, Colom­bia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela. Their ter­rit­or­ies are often zones in which leg­al and illeg­al extrac­tion activ­it­ies take place in search of nat­ur­al resources, primar­ily wood, hydro­car­bons and min­er­als, as well as com­mer­cial agri­cul­ture and cattle rais­ing in some coun­tries. These activ­it­ies in gen­er­al con­sti­tute a threat to the life and integ­rity of these peoples, since they can lead to con­tact and all the con­sequence it entails for their health and phys­ic­al and cul­tur­al sur­viv­al. Since peoples in vol­un­tary isol­a­tion do not have immun­o­lo­gic­al defenses against com­mon ill­nesses, con­tact can cause not only the loss of their world­view and cul­tur­al iden­tity, but also epi­dem­ics that may lead to the dis­ap­pear­ance of entire peoples. Read more about IACHR’s recom­mend­a­tions con­cern­ing indi­gen­ous people in vol­un­tary isol­a­tion in South Amer­ica here.…

yanomani indigenous people

Aus­tralia: Eua­h­layi Nation Declares Inde­pend­ence And Asserts Pre-Exist­ing And Con­tinu­ing Statehood

Ghil­lar, Michael Ander­son, Con­ven­or of the Sov­er­eign Uni­on and now Con­ven­or of the Pro­vi­sion­al Eua­h­layi Peoples Exec­ut­ive Coun­cil said today:

On 3 August 2013 in Dir­ran­bandi, Queens­land, a meet­ing of key Eua­h­layi fam­ily mem­bers and Eld­ers con­cluded that a let­ter be for­war­ded to Her Majesty Queen Eliza­beth II, inform­ing her that the People of the Eua­h­layi have asser­ted their pre-exist­ing and con­tinu­ing Statehood.

This decision fol­lows on from pre­vi­ous cor­res­pond­ence with Buck­ing­ham Palace. On 24 July 2010 I wrote under my nat­ur­al and giv­en Eua­h­layi name, Ghil­lar, to Her Majesty Queen Eliza­beth II ask­ing the fol­low­ing questions:

a) Can you provide us with the doc­u­ments, where war was declared against the Peoples of the Eua­h­layi Nation or where b) The Peoples of the Eua­h­layi vol­un­tar­ily ceded their sov­er­eignty to Great Britain.

Our most recent cor­res­pond­ence reminds Her Majesty that on 24 August 2010 her Seni­or Cor­res­pond­ence Officer, Mrs Sonia Bon­ici, wrote from Buck­ing­ham Palace that:

“As a con­sti­tu­tion­al Sov­er­eign, Her Majesty acts through her per­son­al rep­res­ent­at­ive, the Gov­ernor-Gen­er­al, on the advice of her Aus­trali­an Min­is­ters and it is to them that your appeal should be dir­ec­ted.” Read more about the Eua­h­layi Nation and their asser­tion of inde­pend­ence here.…

australia indigenous

Hon­dur­as: Inter­na­tion­al Denun­ci­ation Of The Crim­in­al­iz­a­tion Of COP­INH And The Con­tinu­al Repres­sion Against Rio Blanco

La Voz de los de Abajo, an inter­na­tion­al human rights organ­iz­a­tion that has been accom­pa­ny­ing Lat­in Amer­ic­an social move­ments for more than 14 years, once again denounces before the inter­na­tion­al com­munity and the Hon­dur­an author­it­ies the per­sist­ent har­ass­ment, repres­sion and crim­in­al­iz­a­tion against the indi­gen­ous com­munity of Rio Blanco and the indi­gen­ous organ­iz­a­tion with which it is affil­i­ated, the Civil Coun­cil of Pop­u­lar and Indi­gen­ous Organ­iz­a­tions of Hon­dur­as (COP­INH). We repu­di­ate with indig­na­tion the indict­ment made against indi­gen­ous mem­bers of COP­INH for their struggle in defense of the Gual­carque River, the com­munity of Río Blanco and the cul­tur­al her­it­age of the Lenca people in the face of the threat from the transna­tion­al hydro­elec­tric pro­ject Agua Zarca. This leg­al action is even more cyn­ic­al because it comes a week after the people who should be facing leg­al charges – the sol­diers and offi­cials of the Hon­dur­an army who are openly col­lab­or­at­ing with the com­pan­ies that want to build the dam – shot down an unarmed indi­gen­ous per­son in cold blood.

In July we had already expressed our worry about a pos­sible blood­bath if the Hon­dur­an gov­ern­ment didn’t imme­di­ately stop the mil­it­ar­iz­a­tion of the area and the col­lab­or­a­tion between the mil­it­ary, police, the hydro­elec­tric com­pan­ies and their private guards. Exactly as we warned, one week later there were two people dead, one of whom was Tomás Gar­cía, the afore­men­tioned indi­gen­ous man who was killed by a sol­dier from the army dur­ing a peace­ful protest. We hold the Hon­dur­an gov­ern­ment respons­ible for this killing and once again call for an end to these crimes against human­ity against the Lenca indi­gen­ous people. These acts are yet anoth­er reas­on why we are pres­sur­ing the U.S. con­gress to cut off aide to the Hon­dur­an mil­it­ary and police. Read more about the human rights situ­ation in Rio Blanco and mil­it­ary har­ass­ment in Hon­dur­as here.…

honduras indigenous people


Bangladesh: Around 380 Affected Tripura Vil­la­gers Of 4 Vil­lages In Tain­dong-Matir­anga Yet To Return To Their Homes

Fol­low­ing com­mun­al ten­sion and fear­ing attack of Bengali set­tlers, on 3 August 2013, a total of 380 fam­il­ies of indi­gen­ous Tripura com­munity includ­ing 59 fam­il­ies from Pura­bari vil­lage, 165 from Head­man Para, 140 from Laifu Kumar Kar­bari Para and 20 fam­il­ies from Krishna Doy­al Kar­bari Para under Tain­dong uni­on of Matir­anga upazila fled into the neigh­bour Pan­chari upazila in Khagrachari dis­trict. These fam­il­ies took shel­ter at Prafulla Kar­bari Para, Nabar­at­na Kar­bari Para, Mor­atila, Rohindra Kar­bari Para and Sub­al Kar­bari Para under Lat­iban and Ultachari uni­on in Pan­chari upazila.

On 6 August 2013 a team of Tripura Kalyan Sang­sad (TKS) led by its pres­id­ent Suresh Mohan Tripura, gen­er­al sec­ret­ary Apur­ba Tripura and organ­ising sec­ret­ary Bibe­sur Tripura vis­ited to Prafulla Kar­bari Para, Nabar­at­na Kar­bari Para, Mor­atila, Rohindra Kar­bari Para and Sub­al Kar­bari Para under Pan­chari upazila and talked with these fam­il­ies. On facil­it­a­tion of the TKS, the admin­is­tra­tion star­ted to bring back the Tripura fam­il­ies from Pan­chari upazila to their respect­ive vil­lages of Matir­anga upazila in the even­ing of 6 August 2013. Read more about the Tripura vil­la­gers in Tain­dong-Matir­anga and human rights viol­a­tions here.…

tripura indigenous people

Phil­ip­pines: Indi­gen­ous Peoples Left Out In Government’s Peace And Devel­op­ment Agenda

Des­pite being left out in the government’s peace and devel­op­ment agenda, indi­gen­ous peoples’ lead­ers and mem­bers are push­ing for “genu­ine” par­ti­cip­a­tion in the peace pro­cesses and oth­er areas of governance.

And before it con­grat­u­lates itself in claim­ing to have made break­throughs in the peace pro­cess, at least with the Moro Islam­ic Lib­er­a­tion Front (MILF), the gov­ern­ment must not rush to claim that “peace is with­in reach,” say indi­gen­ous lead­ers and representatives.

“The real­ity is that until now indi­gen­ous com­munit­ies are being caught in the cross­fire between the war­ring forces (in south­ern Phil­ip­pines),” said Datu Eduard Banda, chair of the Mag­pet Tri­bal Coun­cil of Eld­ers in north Cotabato.

Banda was one of 80 par­ti­cipants in an August 7–8 Nation­al For­um on Indi­gen­ous Peoples and the World Con­fer­ence on Indi­gen­ous Peoples (2014) held here as part of cel­eb­rat­ing the UN-des­ig­nated Inter­na­tion­al Day for World’s Indi­gen­ous Peoples, which falls on August 9. Read more about how indi­gen­ous people are left out of the Phil­ip­pines gov­ern­ment’s agenda here.…

Last Weeks Five Key Indi­gen­ous Peoples Issues can be found here.

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Gata Malandra

Edit­or / Research­er at No Bounds
Gata is a music and arts lov­er, stud­ied anthro­po­logy, art man­age­ment and media pro­duc­tion ded­ic­at­ing most of her time to cre­at­ive pro­jects pro­duced by No Bounds.

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About Gata Malandra

Gata is a music and arts lover, studied anthropology, art management and media production dedicating most of her time to creative projects produced by No Bounds.

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