Over the course of two dec­ades, End of the Weak (EOW / EODub) has become an essen­tial mile­stone for those aspir­ing to earn recog­ni­tion as genu­ine emcees. In a ground­break­ing show of sup­port for the EODub move­ment, renowned Hip Hop artist Lupe Fiasco announced in 2021 that who­ever secures the EOW World Cham­pi­on­ship can right­fully lay claim to the title of the world’s finest rap­per. Lupe com­men­ded EODub’s pre­cise cri­ter­ia and demand­ing selec­tion pro­cess, affirm­ing, “If you aspire to be the best, EODub is the place to go…To declare ‘I’m super­i­or to the best of the best,’ it’s EODub.”

Some of the globe’s most excep­tion­al lyr­i­cists have become part of this glob­al Hip Hop com­munity, includ­ing luminar­ies such as Immor­tal Tech­nique, Home­boy Sand­man, KRS One, Gor­illa Nems (USA), Kae Tem­pest, Lowkey, Akala, and Estelle (Eng­land). Ori­gin­at­ing in 2000 in the heart of New York City and expand­ing to Eng­land in 2006, End of the Weak has trans­formed into a world­wide sen­sa­tion, with chapters estab­lished in over 20 coun­tries span­ning five continents.

On Sunday, Octo­ber 8th, 2023, the End of The Weak Eng­land MC Chal­lenge will make its tri­umphant return with the ‘Chal­lenge of Cham­pi­ons’ for the 2023 EOW Eng­land Final at 02 Academy Islington. 

The EOW MC Chal­lenge, is a test­a­ment to Hip Hop’s core val­ues and skills, and com­prises of five exhil­ar­at­ing rounds designed to test every aspir­ing emcee:

Writ­ten: Per­form your best ori­gin­al writ­ten track.

Acapella: Show­case your sub­stance with a spoken word piece.

Grab Bag: Free­style while pulling items out of the grab bag.

DJ vs MC: Rap over any­thing the DJ throws at you.

Cypher: Exchange 4 bars back-to-back with fel­low competitors.

On the night, EOW World Cham­pi­on Rob Brad­ley (formerly Jack Flash), 3x EOW Eng­land Cham­pi­on Gee Bag and EOW Cham­pi­ons Dekay and Men­ace Men­d­oza will com­pete to rep­res­ent Eng­land in the EOW WORLD FINAL 2023 in NEW YORK CITY.

 A night truly fit­ting for the year­long cel­eb­ra­tion of Hip Hop cul­tures 50th year, the MC Chal­lenge will be judged by homegrown Hip Hop roy­alty Jonzi D, Sarah Love & Mys­Diggi, who will also per­form­ance live along­side heavy­weights Illa­man & Dubbledge (of Prob­lem Child), SAN­ITY, Mas Law and Apex Zero, with legendary DJs Jazz T and Snuff hold­ing down the decks. 

EOW are offer­ing one lyr­i­cist the chance to go up against the Cham­pi­ons through the ‘Wild Card Com­pet­i­tion’, offer­ing the chance to take the title and per­form in NYC, with flight and accom­mod­a­tion paid for.

As EODub con­tin­ues to inspire and elev­ate the glob­al Hip Hop com­munity, its ded­ic­a­tion to fos­ter­ing true emcee­ing skills, camarader­ie and cre­ativ­ity remains unwaver­ing. Join us in cel­eb­rat­ing more than two dec­ades of Hip Hop excel­lence, where EODub and the EOW MC Chal­lenge have left an indelible mark on the culture.

There is still time to enter (Dead­line 29th Septem­ber) and here’s how!

Fol­low @eowengland on Instagram
Record your BAD­DEST 16 bar verse; any beat, genre, bpm or style
Post to Instagram
Tag @eowengland and use #gotoeodub in the description

The best 3 will per­form at the EOW Eng­land Final. The crowd decides which one enters the MC Challenge

To enter the com­pet­i­tion, you MUST be available:

 Oct 8th for the EOW Eng­land Final

Oct 29th to Nov 7th for the EOW World Final in NYC 

For more inform­a­tion, email — contact@eodub.co.uk


IG: @eowengland

The fol­low­ing two tabs change con­tent below.


Edit­or / PR Con­sult­ant at No Bounds
Rishma Dhali­w­al has extens­ive exper­i­ence study­ing and work­ing in the music and media industry. Hav­ing writ­ten a thes­is on how Hip Hop acts as a social move­ment, she has spent years research­ing and con­nect­ing with artists who use the art form as a tool for bring­ing a voice to the voiceless.

About Rishma

Rishma Dhaliwal has extensive experience studying and working in the music and media industry. Having written a thesis on how Hip Hop acts as a social movement, she has spent years researching and connecting with artists who use the art form as a tool for bringing a voice to the voiceless.